
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Hey everyone,

I do not post much anymore, but I do watch. I used to post daily and then I was asked to be a mod. I was a moderator for about two years. Trust me everyone, it is a tough job. I constantly had to hear griping, moaning, bitching and I attempted to keep the peace without censoring any opinions, thoughts, or ideas. The mods have a rough job and with no gratitude and the pay really sucks, lol.

Having been a mod, I am very familiar with the rules of this board. I am also familiar with policy of not censoring members. I have seen the drama recently played out in this forum and it is very hard for me to remain quiet, thus this post.

I am not familiar with any rule of not posting dates in a co-ed thread, in fact a thread was just started concerning vacation with dates in it, no reason to close or delete that thread in any rule I have ever read. No reason to close the thread that was closed this morning IMHO. If the member is getting off topic, I always posted a small post requesting members stay on topic. I never closed or ever heard of a thread closing because it became an ad or had a date in it. I tried hard not to delete or censor any posts. I removed things that were clear violations of the rules not remove things to keep the peace. We all have opinions and from time to time they will differ, that is part of what is great about a website like this, we can share differences as well as similarities as long as it is done in a respectful manner.

In fact if the following threads are not somewhat ads in the Co-ed section I am not familiar with what an ad is:





Every time a provider posts she is flirty and is working, every post is an ad for her.

Furthermore, Rule #22 states:

#22 - ECCIE Staff will go to great lengths to avoid editing, deleting, or censoring our members posts or threads...unless absolutely necessary. Forbidden topics such as underage sex, illicit drugs, bestiality, revealing personal info, medical speculation, or images not in compliance will be removed from public view. Controversial, troublesome, or objectionable posts may draw staff attention or in some cases disciplinary action, but the offending post will not be removed from the view of our membership in any but the most extreme cases. Often times you will find directions, footnotes, or other guidance from staff edited INTO posts which draw our attention. These are for the purpose of educating the readers of what is and what is not acceptable as well as informing others about how these issues have been dealt with.

I have not seen any underage sex, illicit drugs, bestiality, revealing personal info, medical speculation, or images not in compliance posted in any of the threads. I am confused as to why a post was completely deleted and another thread closed. Maybe, I am misreading the rules. I see nothing in ad guidelines nor forum guidelines where a member is not allowed to post dates. It is possible the poster got a little off topic but no where near close enough to warrant closing of the thread IMHO. Further the post earlier in the week that was completely removed appears to have been done so because the OP did not like it.

I allowed members to even bash me in the past, it was their opinion and as long as stated in respectful manner, I did not remove their opinions or posts even if off topic, I some times warned them about rudeness but not one time did I remove a post unless it CLEARLY violated a rule. People do not like me, that is okay, they do not have to like me nor like my posts, but that IMHO was no reason to censor it. I allowed people to express themselves.

And here is the reality, we ALL post dumb things from one time to another. I know I have posted some crap in the past I wish I could have taken back, but I did not. It is a website of information and to censor one post or one member or any thought, idea, or data because other members are upset kills the reason for this website. If ECCIE was intended to be a small group of friends and only their opinions mattered than I would say go at it and enjoy, but that has never been my understanding of this site.

The post that was removed, again, I saw no egregious violation, was it off topic, yes, but so what? Allowing for human error is part of the journey in life and part of this board. The drama seemed so high school and immature to me. My job as mod was not to kill the drama but provide for a free flow of info, ideas, and comments whether liked or not.

I know Rule #9 states:

#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.

This is a rule that apparently was violated and properly the contents were removed as I would have done the same. The purpose would be to protect the privacy of the other member.

Look everyone, I realize that we are all waiting for the drama to die down and in time it most certainly will. Just seems one member is being censored to me which I think is a crying shame. I liked the site because of the diversity. When we start putting pressure on any one member, that member will think twice about posting again and that just reduces the fun for all. The fewer members posting the less to read, the less to converse or debate over. Just my .02. I know in the reviews section many were chased off in this same manner.

The co-ed section used to be alive with plenty of new threads started each and every day. I remember a time when it took me over an hour to review all the posts in CO-ed from the night before. Now it takes 5 minutes, and well that discourages any person from posting or commenting.

I suggest we keep this a fun and informative place to play without censorship. Mods I know the reality of your job and I am just trying to help. I am not telling anyone how to do their job, I am only posting my opinion of my observations and if that warrants censoring so be it, not my website, I am only a mere humble member.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
For some reason I cannot edit my post, prolly time expired but here is an thread that is an ad with dates in it:


Let me be clear, I do not think the above ad should be deleted or corrected, I see nothing wrong with that post at all. My point is I see nothing wrong with the other post as well which resulted in a thread being closed.

I am surprised that my thread has yielded no comments yet. Have the members been intimidated enough that they have stopped posting? Has the censorship gone that far? I certainly hope not.
  • MrGiz
  • 07-26-2013, 04:32 PM
No.... I will never be intimidated from posting my opinions.

Unfortunately, the usual suspects.... the low-life, dung-slinging, certifiably sick posters on Eccie have always been given a little more leeway, before getting slapped down. If more leeway wasn't given to them.... they would ALWAYS REMAIN BANNED! A few of them have proven that they will NEVER go away! These people know the board rules better than anyone.... they have more experience in flirting with them, than anyone else.

Outdoorsman.... I highly doubt that you do not recognize the signature psychosis behind some of the recent drama between two otherwise, fine females. I find it very difficult to believe, that Eccie Staff doesn't recognize it as well.

Bottom Line. . . Same Olde Silly Crap. . . it's not going to change!
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Giz, I certainly recognize the psychosis, as I did as a mod. The mods have to have proof prior to banning or any discipline. I was taught always caution and give doubt to poster.

the problem I see is one lady seems to be treated differently, and that my friend is the problem. ALL members should be treated alike especially when censoring, IMHO.

When we promote the indirect censorship, we help deteriorate the purpose of this website. Our silence can promote the indirect censorship, I think.
Hi Outdoorsman,

Althought we've never spoke personally, I see where you are going with this... Are you really doing this??? lol, even after messages that I sent to said provider copied saying she has a certain judge in her pocket.... you are right, there is leniency here... Unfortunately, as of late, it hasn't been fair, but see... I am a stickler for rules.... they were made to be followed, and being that I lost points (who cares, it will be the first and the last).... it was well worth it to me... matter of fact, asked in advance how many points I'd lose, bc I wasn't done... get it... We know who you are dating.... I have another job besides this that is more competitive than this....Some providers couldn't exist in my world... my real ones... because that requires more than a high school drop out education and some class, that some people didn't receive when they were raised..... So before you start acting like someone is treated unfairly..... you better ask yourself if that person treats others fairly..... bc ones that intimidate aren't... you know.. if you don't, I'd be happy to take some more points off my "score" and send the complete asshole, I'm #1, and I can do whatever I want..... right? NOT!!!!

I'm the sweetest, most real person you've ever met in your life.... My REAL pictures aren't so over edited that it doesn't even look like me, understand???

Stop trying to be the white knight, mod or not..... it's unacceptable behavior, and it's time someone put an end to someone that thinks they can get away with anything..... I just want to be treated with respect, to be left out of conversations, and when called to verify clients, it would be nice that a provider isn't so desperate that they text and call cleints with refs, saying she missed them and NEEDS to see them.... What a desperate move by a now Chris Owens type of gal......

post more, please, I just got a break and an willing to deciper every single thing you biasedly posted...right, you know, we are mostly educated people here... by posting a few examples, doesn't mean you are right, it means you are trying to sway a vote... but see here, most are educated, and see through exactly what you are "trying" to do.... stop being a White Knight.... 10+ years and over edited picts in my book mean, move on over..... You understand The Lion King, right? Time for a new, younger leader, and the lion king to nicely step aside.....

"And that's all I gotta say about that.."
Forrest Gump
Excellent post, Outdoorsman. It is very well written and your points were made in a clear and concise manner. I agree with your observations and your point of view. Hopefully, this site will remain censorship-free outside of appropriate application of the rules.

(Of course, I guess that all depends on the definition of "appropriate", right? lol!)
Excellent post, Outdoorsman. It is very well written and your points were made in a clear and concise manner. I agree with your observations and your point of view. Hopefully, this site will remain censorship-free outside of appropriate application of the rules.

(Of course, I guess that all depends on the definition of "appropriate", right? lol!) Originally Posted by HooDooMan
Shame on you.... and you wouldn't be such a White Knight if you saw other providers that blew fake pics away..... Keri is a prime example... I thought you hobbyist wanted REAL??? Then why are you playing white knight over picture that YOU KNOW do not look like said person??? Baffling.... What's gonna happen if she does retire, is that the white knights are going to HAVE to see someone else.... and just so you know..... "stick ups" like this put you on a DNS list with me.... Good luck... keep white knighting your has been......Again, "Move over Barbie, theres a new bitch in town."

"And that's all I gotta say about that...."
Forrest Gump
Outdoorsman's Avatar
My post is about censorship, intimidation of members, less traffic on this forum due to possible interpretation issues of the rules. Any educated person realizes that. It is not about Nikki, not about refs, pics, who I am dating, etc. etc.

My intent to bring into public light my observations and how we might be able to improve and encourage plenty of participation in discussions, not stiffle it.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Just saw your second post Taylor. Blasting or threatening other members is not on topic of this discussion.

Does everyone see what I mean? Intimidation and censorship
Just saw your second post Taylor. Blasting or threatening other members is not on topic of this discussion.

Does everyone see what I mean? Intimidation and censorship Originally Posted by Outdoorsman
I didn't mention any names, however, you did..... I'm not allowed to mention names, however, if you are landlocked by a 43 yr old woman, in this hobby, shame on you....

Our cleints are not faithful to their wives, so how can providers think they are the "only one".... I cant mention said providers name bc of points, so I will not agree with you on whom this subject is about, but really? Grow more in the hobby..... see other people.... 10000% guarantee if you see me or Keri, your expeiece will be SO different..not looking for the worshipers that cum in 3 secs and that's it.... apparently,from "said reviews, my clients aren't looking to that.... they aren't 80, get it??? No younger person wants to deal with that, and honestly, I can't stand fake female, princesses.... I'm not built like that... I love my job, love my clients, and unlike some people.... I'm not a revolving door... my rates are going up, heads up... bc I'm worth more.... didn't want to raise my rates higher then "said provider" but when they are washed up.... what do you do? right??? You raise your rates home they are approprioute in the pool here.... she, in my opinion, doesn't even exist in the pool.... stop sticking up.... sometime people do well for a long time, but then they have to hand over the reins... in this case the 20+ yr old horse refuses to step aside....in my world, we get about $700 per horse,,,, sounds like its' time to put an old horse out of her misery.....isn't that the most humane thing to do???
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Comprehension of reading 101, again nothing in this thread is about any particular person. Let me be very clear for all those supposedly educated people - Intimidation, which btw is exactly the tactic being displayed here, and the resulting censorship of that tactic. The rules do not appear to be enforced properly, that's it! I would actually appreciate your comments on those issues. I suggest focus on the issues so we can have a respectful and intelligent debate.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
This is fun, btw
Comprehension of reading 101, again nothing in this thread is about any particular person. Let me be very clear for all those supposedly educated people - Intimidation, which btw is exactly the tactic being displayed here, and the resulting censorship of that tactic. The rules do not appear to be enforced properly, that's it! I would actually appreciate your comments on those issues. I suggest focus on the issues so we can have a respectful and intelligent debate. Originally Posted by Outdoorsman

That would be a great stance, but YOU mentioned Nikki's name.... I was told if her name left mine that I'd lose more points by throwing out a "has been", but you being as mod, starting a thread, and you openly mentioned her name, I'm guessing this one is on you??? Do I get to suspend you for mention the over done females name?, or bc your a mod, and being "white knight" about this........ are you really that pussy whipped? If that's the case, I'll see you for FREE, yes you.... completely would LOVE to spend time with YOU at no extra cost..... that way, you will lose your white knight attitude....being totally serious.... wanna see me for free? I LOVE to make princesses realize they aren't princesses anymore..... get it, understand..... really stop.... I have respect for you so far...keep it up, you're moved to the DNS list... I do that with all princess worshipers.... they aren't worth my time... and it's so crazy addictive when I see former clients, that they literally fall in love... trust me....
Outdoorsman's Avatar
I am confused at why you are so intimidated by this provider? Why you have to continuous bash her? No need for any of that. A person does not insult, bash, nor boast if they are not in fear or jealousy. That would be psychology 101 for us educated people. You keep spouting off, the fact is when a person is number 1, the clients do the bragging. Keep reaching for the stars and maybe after someone retires you can make some money. But again you take the thread off topic, stop intimidating and we can discuss.
I am confused at why you are so intimidated by this provider? Why you have to continuous bash her? No need for any of that. A person does not insult, bash, nor boast if they are not in fear or jealousy. That would be psychology 101 for us educated people. You keep spouting off, the fact is when a person is number 1, the clients do the bragging. Keep reaching for the stars and maybe after someone retires you can make some money. But again you take the thread off topic, stop intimidating and we can discuss. Originally Posted by Outdoorsman

Wow Outdoorsman,

Are you still defending your gf? Of course you are..... is she "your" money train??? I am the slightest bit jelous of said person.. trust me.... if you knew anything about me, you know what I "really" do for a living and unfortunetly, in my profession, we see sickenly over edit pictures of people.... any person with a camera eye can see her pictures are so fake.... but then again, literally, if said person looks like her pics, then she must have been on Lasix and other things, but that wouldn't help... I was doing cardio RIGHT next to her, at the gym near Italian Pie, right.... you know.... and she was so over obsessed with people that were looking at her, that she missed the cellulite on her thighs, the back fat that happens when you get older, and the face that looked like she's over tanned for about 10 years...... do you really wanna keep this up???? I'm SOOOO not jealous.... even told you I'd see you for free.... and you're still defending... please, get your dick wet by a real, educated woman, someone that's not a high school drop out, someone that emulates class.... and your posts will be so much different.... look at my vacation time.... contace me arferwards.... I';m gonna rock your world so hard you are going to be saying "N#$$#" who? I mean that, and back my words, so eat your Wheaties for a bit, and I will see you..... again for free..... I just want your review......btw, that goes for you too Hoodoman..... contact me.... see you for no charge.... just for a review... sick of some people and money isn't as important as putting themselves in their place... yes, I said it.. will see ALL of her "white knights for 50% discount in my sessions... I just want the reviews.... it's worth it to me... out with the old, in with the new right? "Move over Barbie, there's a new bitch in town!!" Think of your next move," to quote you.... Does everyone here know you're working with LE, but only the peeps you are intimated by..... Will lose more points to post the text's that London Rayne, as psycho as she is, texting said person about a bust that was called in for another provider, and how "she" has the judge in her pocket thanks to someone.... right, you need to text PornoDave, the mod, he knows me in real life, and knows what MY connnections are..... am so tempted to have the text of "I have the judge in my pocket" to get delivered to said Judge.... if she/ her fan club doesn't stop, provider/free world life wont apply to her....You're not dealing with the white trash, trailer park chick..... I don't throw names... I hand over people that are not nice to me that throw names.....IMHO, you should get with porno dave, unfortunately for him, he has known me for years outside hobby world, and it sucks that I'm mentioning him, but he knows what a stand up person I really am, and in real life too..... If she, or her fan club keeps it up, I will walk in and hand her texts to the "female judge" she claims to have in her pocket.... thinking that's not the case, and she got, lucky, lucky, lucky.... but luck ends.... just end it... right? I am not going to back down to anyone about an unpolite, uneducated, insecure, jealous, asshole... not even sure why you started this post, bc you gave me an open forum... I haven't mentioned names, you did....hahahaha oppppsss.... If you love her, help her go away gracefully, bc as of late, pictures look more like fake, backpage photo doubles than of her... I was doing cardio next to her not so recently... she looks NOTHING like her pics.... IMHO....hoping you are dropping this now, bc you are defending a had been ... right??? Yes. #1 in Nola for a LONG LONG time, but those girls should relearn the parameters of the business.... I'm pissing you off so bad, aren't I? I can keep going.... give up.... she's a has been floozy... oh right, and I've mentioned no names, you did... right?

"And that's all I gotta say about that..."
Forrest Gump