Thanks for Nothing, Mr. President

The middle class gets fucked again by BO; oil prices continue to go up- squeezing the middle class, and on the heels of Obama stalling the Keystone pipeline Canada will now be selling it's oil to the Asian market....look for oil prices (and prices of most consumer stuff) to increase....

Canada Shops Oil After Pipeline Halt

Just a few days after the U.S. said it would delay approval of an oil pipeline that would boost Canadian exports to the U.S., Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Sunday the country would push to sell its crude to Asian markets instead.

Last week, the U.S. State Department delayed approval of TransCanada Corp.'s Keystone XL pipeline, which is proposed to run from the western Canadian province of Alberta to the U.S. Gulf coast. The agency has final approval because the line would cross the U.S. border.

A decision had been expected by the end of the year, but the approval turned into a political hot potato for President Barack Obama. Proponents in the U.S. called the line crucial for energy security and job creation, while opponents criticized the project for a host of environmental reasons. The State Department ultimately said it would delay a decision on the line until early 2013, to allow it to assess new routes that would bypass an environmentally sensitive stretch of Nebraska.

Mr. Harper, attending the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Honolulu on Sunday, repeated Canadian officials' disappointment at the decision, and he told reporters he remained optimistic the project "will eventually go ahead, because it makes eminent sense."

Canadian officials have said in the past that they would seek out other markets, particularly Asian ones, if the U.S. didn't approve the Keystone project. A separate line that would send crude westward to the Canadian Pacific coast, where it could be shipped to Asia by sea, is currently going through Canadian regulatory approval.

But Mr. Harper's language in Hawaii was particularly blunt.

"This does underscore the necessity of Canada making sure that we are able to access Asia markets for our energy products," Mr. Harper told reporters in Honolulu, according to a transcript provided by his office. "And that will be an important priority of our government going forward." Mr. Harper said he made that point in a meeting the day before with Chinese president Hu Jintao.

The Keystone decision comes as the latest in a string of irritants that have sparked friction between the U.S. and Canada, its largest trading partner.

Earlier this year, the White House reintroduced controversial "Buy America" provisions in proposed job-creating legislation that potentially shuts out Canadian firms from participating in government-funded infrastructure projects. Canada fought for the better part of a year to get similar provisions removed from an earlier Washington stimulus plan.

The White House then signed into law a U.S.-Colombia free-trade pact. That pact, which Canada wasn't a party to, included an unusual surcharge in its fine print on U.S.-bound Canadian and Mexican travelers. The charge was designed to recoup revenue lost from the elimination of tariffs on Colombian goods, and it angered some Canadian politicians.

Despite the recent trade tensions, Messrs. Obama and Harper appeared amicably together at two photo ops in Hawaii, at one point laughing with each other and at another point strolling together with their jackets slung over their shoulders, according to the Associated Press.

At the meeting, Mr. Harper "expressed his disappointment with the (Keystone) delay, and reiterated his hope that the project will be decided on its merits and eventually approved," according to a statement by his office.

—Paul Vieira in Ottawa contributed to this article
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Oh yeah and had Obama said Yes gas prices would have fell to $1.00 a gallon overnight LMFAO- first off Obama didn't say NO he is waiting on more analysis which is the right thing to do- 2nd the pipeline will take YEARS to build and to see an impact- third WE are still dependent on foreign oil so that pipeline being built has no effect on the current market prices- you ever heard of OPEC?????
Middle class Americans being fucked by Obama"s energy polcies.....

Obama takes Office : January 16, 2009 Oil price $36.51

November 11, 2011 $98.99
Oh yeah and had Obama said Yes gas prices would have fell to $1.00 a gallon overnight LMFAO- first off Obama didn't say NO he is waiting on more analysis which is the right thing to do- 2nd the pipeline will take YEARS to build and to see an impact- third WE are still dependent on foreign oil so that pipeline being built has no effect on the current market prices- you ever heard of OPEC????? Originally Posted by ;1842213
wellendowedmaninmymouth1911, you defend the indefensible because you want Odumbo reelected just because he's African American like you.......

you left out these reasons: Odumbo doesn't want to piss off the enviro-wackos before the election and doesn't want to piss off the middle class before the election by cancelling the pipeline now.....he'll cancel it if reelected.......
wellendowed1911's Avatar
wellendowedmaninmymouth1911, you defend the indefensible because you want Odumbo reelected just because he's African American like you.......

you left out these reasons: Odumbo doesn't want to piss off the enviro-wackos before the election and doesn't want to piss off the middle class before the election by cancelling the pipeline now.....he'll cancel it if reelected....... Originally Posted by Marshall
Hey fagboy if that was the case would't I be going crazy over Herman "I love to Grope White Ladies Cain? I think he's a dumb ass loser like you that doesn't know shit about politics
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Middle class Americans being fucked by Obama"s energy polcies.....

Obama takes Office : January 16, 2009 Oil price $36.51

November 11, 2011 $98.99 Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Here's a fact check response on gas prices since you and faux news are losing your hair knowin gthat the GOP field is so crappy and looks like Obama will get re-elected so you guys are trying the Blame Obama bullshit- y the way Whirly months ago you were called out on this Lie but here it is again:
I can understand why you don't want to own up to Obama's energy polcies. Afterall, they have been a disaster for middle class Americans. And as pointed out in the links, it will only get worse if Obama has his way.
Speaking of liars I am still waiting for your response on your own lie.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Speaking of liars I am still waiting for your response on your own lie. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And I have been waiting longer to find out who you voted for in 2008- you are a freaking RINO- Republican In Name Only!!!!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I can understand why you don't want to own up to Obama's energy polcies. Afterall, they have been a disaster for middle class Americans. And as pointed out in the links, it will only get worse if Obama has his way. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yep you are right I really miss the low oil prices we had during the Bush years- gosh remember during the Bush years Oil was 1 dollar gallon if memory serves me correct gas prices never went above 1.50 during the Bush years. Can you imagine if Gas had hit 2, 3 or God forbid 4 dollars a gallon during the Bush years??? Gosh I wish those great low gas prices from the Bush years would come back.
Oh you are right Obama wants to destroy the Middle Class- thank God those Republicans are looking after the Middle Class and the Poor.
Have you not heard president Obama wants to raise taxes on the bottom 98% income earners and Obama said he wants to raise taxes on anyone making less than 250 K- the GOP have got it right their policies have been so beneficial to the middle class and poor. I think Obama needs to go back to trickle down economics- did you see how great they worked in the Bush- gosh look at all the great Jobs Bush created in his term.
We need a man like Romney in office- he knows about business- think of how many Jobs Romney can send to other countries after all people around the world needs jobs so it would be great for Romney to get in office and ship more American obs to other Countries. I still may vote for Cain- he's an ordinary guy just like you Whirly- I want fault him for not knowing what the right to Return or how long China has had Nukes- but you got to love his 9-9-9- plan even though experts have said it will raise taxes on 84% of the population included middle class but it's ok because hes a Republican so he will fix things.

So there's basically 3 guys who want to be POTUS either Romney, Cain, or ummmm, ummmm, ummmmm oh what's that other 3rd guys name(checking my notes) I am sorry Whirlway can't remember his name- ooops!
waverunner234's Avatar
oil prices continue to go up- squeezing the middle class
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Fuck WW can't you do your homework ONCE before you post your shit?
I'm tired of always correcting your WRONG information.


WTI Crude down 1.39% (That's West Texas Intermediate)
BRENT CRUDE down 1.69%

Obama's War On The Middle Class:

Healthcare Costs up.
Gasoline Prices up.
Consumer Goods and Services up.
Unemployment up.
Cost of College Tuition up.
National debt up.
Your own sources confirm that since Obama's inauguration date (January 2009) oil prices are up...dumbshit !

Fuck WW can't you do your homework ONCE before you post your shit?
I'm tired of always correcting your WRONG information.


WTI Crude down 1.39% (That's West Texas Intermediate)
BRENT CRUDE down 1.69%

The Anti Fox: WW - UNFAIR, UNBALANCED Originally Posted by waverunner234
Oh; I forgot the Obama Misery Index; it is up also....
waverunner234's Avatar
Yep you are right I really miss the low oil prices we had during the Bush years- gosh remember during the Bush years Oil was 1 dollar gallon if memory serves me correct gas prices never went above 1.50 during the Bush years. Can you imagine if Gas had hit 2, 3 or God forbid 4 dollars a gallon during the Bush years??? Gosh I wish those great low gas prices from the Bush years would come back. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Hey, correct me if I'm wrong but I remember I was in San Francisco following a seminar for a week in 2007 and some leisure time but I do remember that I paid
OVER $5.00 per gallon for gas. I know SF is expensive but $5.00? And the rest of the country was $1.00 per gallon?
Do I remember correctly that 2007 was a George Boesh year?