This one is all upsell

chingil30's Avatar
Thts too bad u had that experience, i did see her ones but luckly i didnt esperience upsell, it was a good time for me
Not in the least. I don't even recall seeing you sir.I'm always very respectful and curtioues to the needs of clients. Although their are some services I do not provide and some I do expect more compensation for, I feel that I always let anyone and everyone know before hand! Sorry you feel this way... Instead of trying to deframe my character, next time it would be mature of you to let ME know you're not happy first! Thanks and again my deepest apologies.
First, I did let you know that I was unhappy.
Second, if I had never seen you what possible reason would I have to "defame" you.
Third, I ask you, who are the gentlemen on this board going to believe.
Fourth, you admit to charging more for certain activities.
Fifth, at no time did I say you were less than civil with me.
Sixth, if you have any honor, I said I was going to write a review and I was displeased with the service and I told you so. I left my fee and told you I would not write a review and I did not. The above is not a review.
I am merely relating my experience.We all know here that we all get different experiences since this is a human interaction that we are engaged in.
I have said all I will say.
Thanks for the info oldguy it's greatly appreciated