hey y'all

First off I want to say thank you all in Omaha you made my trip it was quite fun and entertaining LOL. I didn't have enough request to come to Lincoln before I left and of course when I left I had a bunch of people text me and message me from Omaha and Lincoln but I had already gone.
I'd like to come back soon to be able to see people i didn't get to but I don't really know if the week of the 4th or around that time is a good time. I know in some cities holidays are quiet time for the girls so I'm trying to see if people still stay busy around the 4th. Of course I would want to be home on the 4th of July but looking for around that time.
Is it safe to say that not this week but the next week sometime is a good time to visit or nah?
Girls and guys I'd appreciate the advice I hope everybody staying cool and hope you guys have a great and awesome sexy week