
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
If I have sex with you for say and new washing machine or a car or whatever is it Prostitution in the eyes of the law???
Or is it just getting back to the good old days of when people bartered and not considered prostitution?
I'm sure there is someone on here that knows the laws that can answer this.
For those who don't know the laws, which do you think it should be?
Oh and I am in need of a new washing machine. lol
If I have sex with you for say and new washing machine or a car or whatever is it Prostitution in the eyes of the law???
Or is it just getting back to the good old days of when people bartered and not considered prostitution?
I'm sure there is someone on here that knows the laws that can answer this.
For those who don't know the laws, which do you think it should be?
Oh and I am in need of a new washing machine. lol Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
Step 1. You go window shopping. You pick your washing machine.

Step 2. Somehow, we communicate to each other what said machine is worth in terms of tine BCD. Probably over coffee somewhere.

Step 3. I show up at your place with the washing machine of your choice, which I purchased with cash. I install it. And then, because I'm so irresistable, you spend the next 3 hours screwing my brains out. I'm so flustered when I leave, I leave the cash receipt behind.

Doesn't step 3 happen to appliance installers every day? I mean, no one would believe you'd willingly have sex with some old business guy. But the fat balding appliance guy who displays his butt-crack to the lonely housewife.......he gets laid every day and no one goes to jail.

It would be awfully hard to prove prostitution.
jjchmiel78's Avatar
I assume according to our laws anything explicitly exchanged for sex is considered prostitution. I obvisouly don't agree with the law. After all isn't the same thing when you sign up for a drug study? You can use my body to test your drugs on in exchange for x amount. Morality over logic is how this country is run for us mere peasants.
I was one of the first to get the PT Cruise when they first became available. A provider I was seeing at the time offered a bartering type of arrangement with me where she would trade her hummers for my PT Cruiser.

I've been kicking myself ever since for not taking the trade.

Her hummers were/are awesome and the PT Cruiser turned out to be a piece of shit.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
To me it seems know different then being married or having a girlfriend. You do this or get me this and you can have sex tonight.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
There was a court case back in the 70's or 80's where a man and woman struck a deal (They wrote out the terms and signed it) for a used car in exchange for a certain numbered sexual visits. After a coupl of visits she said that was it and she would call the police if he made a fuss. The car is now titled in her name. He said no way I'm going to take you to court. Long story short the judge upheld the contract and she had to pay money or time in bed like she promised. I heard this on the radio so make of it as you will.
Redwolf's Avatar
All my brain understood was that this thread is about sex & washing machines, something about sex on a washing machine.
Redwolf my thoughts exactly.
I know some ladies really like it when the spin cycle kicks in.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
There was a very well respected provider in Ohio that said the brakes on her mini van were shot. A gent showed up that afternoon and did the work in her driveway without any word about reciprocation. Would have done it only because she needed help.
Afterwards she met him with a warm shower and a very happy ending.
He would have been grateful with just a warm hug and a TY. The world spins still to this day and he smiles of her memory. I miss her too.
ILuvNips's Avatar
From what I read, the judge pr jury would have to determine if the item had cash value.
strawberrycar934's Avatar
Marriage is legalized prostitution.
mbinlincoln's Avatar
My question is, did you get your washing machine yet?
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Divorce in the US gives Satan pleasure because it fucks a man. Fucks him hard without lube.
LayneLaughlin's Avatar
I know some ladies really like it when the spin cycle kicks in. Originally Posted by borisbaggins
It's funny you mentioned that. The other night I was doing laundry in my apartment building and when that spin cycle came around.... let's just say I was praying no one else in the building needed to do laundry at that moment.

Whew. Did I mention I get a "slight" case of Spring fever?