Just letting the members of Eccie, why I have been unavailable recently due to recent dental work

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Hi there ! Gentleman and ladies of Eccie…. It is Petiteplsr. I am writing this thread because I received plenty of pms and texts. I must let you all know that I have been unavailable. I recently had some oral surgery done on June 24th, 2024. I have been recovering and, have been unavailable. My gums are healing.

On Wednesday Sept 4th, 2024. I will be returning to get more dental work in the afternoon ( to be done two molars ) .
I plan to return to be available. Hopefully by this upcoming weekend .. (as of September 7th, or Sept 8, or hopefully by September 10th.
Yesterday, I just noticed a gentleman wrote some messed up texts on my hobby phone.. about reporting that I have bad TCB in the men’s locker room.. on a text today? ( this person might of meant ourhome2 or Eccie ) All Because I wasn’t able to respond to him. I don’t know whom he is and, he didn’t leave a handle. Note : this gentleman was writing texts in a threatening mannerism. So hopefully.. once he sees this thread in co- ed .. he will refrain from reporting anything. I am just trying my best to answer pms and, texts as they come in. I deeply apologize. If, some gentlemen are wondering why I am unavailable or, not responding some texts or, pms. I am doing my best to respond to all text messages on my hobby phone and, pms in my inbox.. ( on Ourhome2 and with Eccie ) . Hopefully, this thread clears everything up for the gentleman as to why I have recently been unavailable.

Though please note : I have been answering text messages and, pms ..letting gents know that I am unavailable due to recent dental work. I am writing this thread because it seems I need to get the word out there. That, I am not available due to recent necessary dental work. I wish gentleman would take into consideration that sometimes there is just a good reason why a well- reviewed provider isn’t responding and, that maybe some..real world.. stuff is going on. In this case, yesterday, I truly was just been resting and, recovering from recent dental work.

Some of you, gentleman may have read my Tryst ad. where it explains in the availability section… that I recently had dental work done on June 24th 2024 since then I have been unavailable recently due to recovering from dental work.

I want to let you all know that there is no reason to be alarmed about my recent dental work. My smile looks exactly the same !!! Also, after the upcoming dental work is done on Wednesday Sept 4th. My smile will look exactly the same after that dental work is done, too. I do planned to have my teeth whitened in a few to three weeks from now. So truthfully the end result will be that I will have an even prettier smile.

I shall hopefully return to be Available…either on Friday Sept 6th or, Saturday Sept 7 ….( after the dental work on Wednesday, Sept 4th, this week) . I shall hopefully at the latest return to be available by Tuesday September 10th, 2024.

Please note: once I return.. I will only be offering gfe appointments. That is the hhr gfe, hr gfe, 90 minute gfe and, so forth. Greek will be offered, too. Unfortunately and, this is absolutely temporary : I must refrain from doing bjs ..; when I return to be available. I have a socket healing in my mouth from a molar extraction. Until that is completely healed.. I’ll be refraining from doing bjs. Instead of bj. I will be offering extra on other activities : ( please see the thread in Co-ed that I wrote for oh2 - Austin - to see what those are). I am not writing them in this thread because I am not sure that is within the rules of Eccie .. to do so. Also.. Hj will be offered ( instead of bjs). This is just a temporary thing until the socket is healed in my mouth. In the near future, I do plan to get the implant process done ( within the next few years from now).

If you have any questions about how or, what services I will be offering at this time, please pm me on Eccie or on OH2 …Or Feel free to text me at 210-429-6537 ( my hobby phone number).

Happy Labor Day weekend to everyone here at Eccie

Please don’t worry. I will be back available, soon!!!

Much love.. I would like to say. I truly have been missing the gentleman here on ourhome2.net and on Eccie as well.

❣️�� Sincerely,