The Liberals want them in the country regardless.
They have children in school now and they are very worried about the people not having their vaccination. She was telling me they had an outbreak of TB in their schools last year at this time and it came from an illegal. Originally Posted by Austin EllenIs she pissed at ignorant as fuck American parents not vaccinating their children because they think it might cause autism?
What are their pre-existing conditions? VVVVVVVVCould "pre-existing condition" include thousands of military age males being predisposed to using violence when they don't get their way? Several Mexican policemen were injured, and at least one rock thrower was killed in the riot below.
The Liberals want them in the country regardless. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Thank God, there is a segment of society that far outnumbers this group heading here who do not believe in shots but I've not heard you or your friend complain about them.
Maybe you have and I wasn't paying attention. Originally Posted by WTF
Not necessarily vaccinated.then leave your money to Billy Gates. his foundation is big into vaccinations.
Adult vaccinations are of concern.
Kids catch diseases from adults, regardless of their citizenship. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So if we do not wish to pay for the vaccination of this this Horde, then the logical step would be to simply deny them entry. Originally Posted by Jackie SSo you find it acceptable for people from other countries to storm our borders to get medical treatment funded by the U.S. taxpayers?