Asian agencies in Fargo

Are all these ads legit ladies in fargo or are some scam/stings. I get multiple texts from different numbers and different ladies available. I assume if it's legit they are traveling?
These adds keep changing how to know what number to call? Is there a way to figure out legit adds?
I think they are all legit. I usually google the number, and if they have ads under that number in multiple cities I feel good about it.

It's an agency, they set the girls up with the dates for a cut. The girls are mostly travelling, so who you might get changes. There are a few that are local, but I have their direct numbers at this point.
Was in Bismarck a couple of weeks back, Bismarck was getting a lot of Asian adds, I did turn around walkout on first one, called 3 more different numbers and they keep trying to send me to same place and room number.
I've never tried any agency ad in any city. The bismarck ones that have been popping up I considered (really had the itch) but the address in the ad was for a deli. Red flag.
When they put an address in the ad that comes up as a deli, or a bank it is just the general area. It will be one of the hotels closest to that location. It just gives you a rough idea.
Has anyone had any encounters with these asian ladies? Tempted to try but unsure. They make it seem so easy to meet, is it a sting?
I tried one out of desperation a couple months back and it was actually pretty flawless and easy! Really was scared at first not knowing if it was legit or if the girl would be nasty but all on all I was satisfied. I texted the # listed showing my interest and got a text back from a different # within minutes asking what city I was in. After a quick correspondence there I got a text from the local provider who gave me a hotel location and prices. Within a 1/2 hr I was there and she wasn’t the girls advertised of course but she was pretty and in decent shape. Spoke very little English so there was that but wasn’t really an issue once we started.
I've been careful with my messages and I still get the occasional cartel threat.
Cartel threat?
Yes, this happened to me in Billings a few weeks back. I broke my own rules as I had a few drinks, (I only call/text numbers that I can track a history of ads, reviews whereas I feel good about them being real) texted a few numbers on STG, and the next day got very threatening, texts saying I had to pay a 300 'fine' as I was wasting his time, then calls, threatening me, saying he knows where I live, my family will pay etc... I'll be honest, I was a little concerned. So MORAL of the story, only reach out to gals you can verify are real, reviewed or at least have a history.
I have had a couple of these threatening calls. I've turn off all tracking on my phone which is a hobby phone so I'm not that concern they can find me. Plus their text doesn't ask for money to be sent anywhere. So I just block them. I believe the text were generated by ads that I inquired on not a %100 sure but pretty sure. I now use the More Pics and Review function on that site and if their create date is relatively new and they have only 1-2 post I just ignore the ad. But damn they are tempting. Option are not great when I only date safety woman so I try many sites.

Also FYI -

Be careful & do your homework the Dakota section can't afford to lose any contributors.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Standard traveling circus.
Get used to it.
And yes, be very very careful.