Pentagon to probe legality of using troops on US border

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
this is either a joke or a waste of time or both ...

Pentagon to probe legality of using troops on US border

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon's independent investigations office says it will evaluate the legality of the Trump administration's use of the military at the U.S. southwestern border.

Glenn Fine, the acting inspector general, announced Tuesday that his probe will assess several aspects of the military's border mission, which some in Congress call a misuse of the military. Fine said he will look at what the troops are doing at the border, what training they received for the mission, and whether their use at the border is legal.

For more than a year, the administration has placed several thousand active-duty troops along the border to perform various missions in connection with President Donald Trump's campaign to clamp down on illegal entries. The troops have erected wire barriers, assisted with border surveillance and performed other functions in support of Department of Homeland Security.

In a letter to Fine in September, 33 House members urged an investigation of what they called the “misuse and politicization" of the military at the border. Under federal law, the military may not be used for domestic law enforcement purposes. The Trump administration's view is that the troops are in a national security role at the border.

what other purpose does the military exist for? they exist to protect the sovereignty and borders of the United States of America.

would even FTW=WTF argue against this? probably!

If it were a President Obama using troops to help secure our border, it would be hailed as an inspired action.
  • oeb11
  • 12-12-2019, 05:59 PM
JS - exactly - under a DPST administration - the House DPST's would be hailing the Chief.

They are just trying to stir the pot against Trump - where is the evidnce of "Politicization" of the military?
They aren't satisfied with the Politicization of the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc, etc, and the thousands of politicized bureaucrats across the land???

A short answer to the question - NO!!!!!
The legality of illegals flooding the United States .....any probe on that?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Wilson did it, and Pershing and Patton didn't have a problem with it. Precedent has been set.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Wilson did it, and Pershing and Patton didn't have a problem with it. Precedent has been set. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Pershing and Patton. now there's a set of badass dudes. Patton learned under Black Jack in WWI. and well!!

most of the US senior commanders had experience in WWI .. except for some guy named Eisenhower who ended up on top of the heap. mainly due to his management abilities not so much actual combat experience. and he was Dougie McArthur's chief of staff in the Philippines.

Patton was the one US General the Germans truly feared. not that they didn't come to respect the battle worthiness of US troops and their commanders but Patton stood above the rest of the Generals in the allied forces including some overrated prima donna named Monty.


dilbert firestorm's Avatar
this is over the interpretation of the Posse Comitatus act.

I agree this fact finding is ridiculous. national defense which includes the border is their job.

however, the role of the military at the border is rather limited. they can't really assist the border patrol in keeping illegals out.

i suspect that there is a regulation involved after the incident in the 1990's under the bush 41 administration where he sent troops to the border. An illegal was killed by a soldier stationed along the border.

after a lot of criticism from the left, he caved after the killing and pulled the troops out.

I think this is one reason why B41 lost.
HoeHummer's Avatar
He needs someone to stop the steady streams of embarrassing moments for that picket fence he can’t get built. You know, the one that some of the Latinos are cuttings through with their power tools and others are simply climbing with rope ladders.

When PM Trudeau builds our wall, it will keep the arseholes out. But let the refugees in. And guess whose paying?

That’s right Jimbobbydandies! Yer mum!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He needs someone to stop the steady streams of embarrassing moments for that picket fence he can’t get built. You know, the one that some of the Latinos are cuttings through with their power tools and others are simply climbing with rope ladders.

When PM Trudeau builds our wall, it will keep the arseholes out. But let the refugees in. And guess whose paying?

That’s right Jimbobbydandies! Yer mum! Originally Posted by HoeHummer

if you say so, yssup hoe

rexdutchman's Avatar
Turd said it - no probe on the flood of illegals , Because they already know the outcome ( MADA)
Make America Disappear Agenda. Open Borders INC