Did Backpage.com drop the adult section?

Was on there today and it seems they have a new layout and categories.
boardman's Avatar
Looks the same to me.
they did change some things in the format... but I didn't think it was visible on the guys side.
@ Daphne, Yeah I just noticed the new set up...they removed that massive paragraph with all the laws in it...

@ Meatmaster, I haven't noticed anything different, but maybe you tried to view it while they were updating?? Who knows
oilfieldscum's Avatar
It looks the same to me too.

Welcome back Daphne.
thanks baby
sharkie's Avatar
I just checked it. Looks the same to me. A lot of 21-24 year olds. Must be the Occupy Movement looking to pay down those pesky college loans.
@Sharkie - I get the same impression too when I see girls who look like they just turned 18 etc....
I will check it again, I think it was redirecting me to the Houston Press's section of it so maybe that was the problem.