Fine sexy black men

For the first time since 2009, I fell in absolute lust today!

(As in there's been a pretty dry spell in my personal life)

So I'm leaving the mall, getting in my car when I spot this fine gorgeous black man. Now if y'all didn't know already, us middle eastern women go ga ga over black men. Especially Egyptian

Anyway, so there I was just frozen halfway pulling out of the parking spot, staring, no this well dressed man in a charcoal suit.

Now if you didn't know this either, I have a "thing" for a well dressed metrosexual man.

Now let me talk about this suit he was wearing. You could see definition of every muscle in his MMM mmm MMM body. And a cute lil diamond stud in his ear. OMG

So I finally finished pulling out and of course started flowing er following this guy around the parking lot. I stop where he stopped by his car and I'm just

In a perfect world where I had the Balls and wasn't so shy I would have initiated a conversation among the lines of..."hi whats your number? are you single?

But NO. I made myself drive away. And I regret it

Maybe I'm deeply deathly afraid of being laughed at...rejection?

So I have a question for the guys...if this happened to you, there you are walking to your car in a mall parking lot when you notice some "little" girl in a car that pulls up by you, just sitting there staring at you...would it creep you out?

If she tried 'get to know you', and you were married/attached would you still...try to 'make a connection'?

I'm like still so fired up right now. Like something woke inside of passion? Seriously in need of a black man fix...

Hello meet me in Chicago
The Motley Fool's Avatar

I'm a pretty friendly guy, I'd say hello, especially if it were you. Maybe you should leave the windy city for awhile and come visit Texas.

The Starfish Trooper
For most of the guys, all it would take is a little bit of 'locked' eye contact, a nice smile, and a naughty little wink, and we would jump in and take care of the rest of the introduction.
This is VERY interesting! But let's put a little something extra on Zabrina's question. As a Black woman, I'm attracted to all types and races. But as a rule, I don't hit on men.

But how would you White guys react to a woman of color 'trying to get to know you?'
I would absolutely respond ! I would notice a beautiful, pleasant woman no matter what the skin color would be.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-14-2012, 10:47 PM

Which mall to you go to?

Frankly, if I saw you gawking at me...
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I fell in Latino heaven the other night , what was the question ?
pyramider's Avatar
Black men do nothing for me. But black women .... hmmmmmmmmmmm
whitechocolate's Avatar
If a hottt horny gorgeousss gal like you Zabrina pulled up beside me, I would be thinking that I want a blow job right now and then after you blew me I would get your contact info for some more intense one on one. Yes, you need to get out of Chicago and cum to Texas)) By the way, the color of the gal would make no difference if she were hotttttttttttttttt!!!
Black men...mmmmmmmmmmm
stugots's Avatar
Not something I have to worry about.......
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I'm not black but regardless, if a woman was gawking at me I wouldn't hestitate to respond

I would respond if I was married but I wouldn't take it any further than a conversation.
AngeLisa's Avatar
If he was a fine as yu say I woulda at least said hello....
I mean geez ur a provider u coulda put yur sexy diva smile nd charm on and as pretty as u r
U prolly woulda got him.
Gotyour6's Avatar
This is VERY interesting! But let's put a little something extra on Zabrina's question. As a Black woman, I'm attracted to all types and races. But as a rule, I don't hit on men.

But how would you White guys react to a woman of color 'trying to get to know you?' Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson


I love black women, I think they are absouluty beautiful

Everything about them. From color, lips everything.

Anything that is made fun of or racist to some dumb ass I am like "That is what makes them beautiful!"

If a black woman were to hit on me I would take her to dinner as soon as she smiled.

and I am not talking about the carmel, moca, mixed blah blah, I want a dark, black with a suntan woman. Then get darker.

I like white women milky, white like my SB
Not omppa loompa orange men....oops did I post that already (wiping saliva off my chin)...giggle giggle...