If you had a secret?

If you had a secret?

There are many times in this business that there are times to talk smack about someone and there are times when a secret is best kept to yourself..
What would you tell?

Give me examples please!!
Still Looking's Avatar
Tell a secret? Then it would be a secret any more! ijs
Figure out the motive for making it public. No good comes from being a drama queen or seeking attention and you could put yourself in a compromising position down the road.
if it's really confirmed and important info that belongs in alerts, I would post for sure
the.namssa's Avatar
If you had a secret?

There are many times in this business that there are times to talk smack about someone and there are times when a secret is best kept to yourself..
What would you tell?

Give me examples please!! Originally Posted by Charlotte Carrington

How about starting us off with one of yours and showing us how it is done?
If it endangers someones safety, I'm all about spilling the beans. If it's gossip or something told to me in confidence, my lips are sealed. Period.
cumalot's Avatar
I thought a secret was a secret and not to be discussed or told...So for that reason I'm out.
  • Paven
  • 06-20-2012, 09:41 AM
Loose lips, sink ships.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I think the OP is talking in broad terms. I don't think the intent is to actually reveal a secret. The intent is to find out under what conditions one would reveal a secret-- not an actual secret. Given the tone of the OP where terms like smack are used. I'm thinking along this line. What if a client bragged to provider "X" that he did this and that with provider "Y" when in fact he didn't and provider "X" know this because she is friends with provider "Y". Is it okay to spill the beans on the client as being braggadocios? In other words, in what circumstances would you reveal information that was given to you in confidence. Personally, I think all info should stay between the people involved even if the secret might be relevant to others. You simply don't betray a trust. The whole hobby is based on a certain level of trust and respect.