Funny BELIEVABLE excuses..

A white American couple had a black baby.

The woman claimed that she had become pregnant watching a 3D PORNO MOVIE.

The Child's father, Erik Johnson a solider had been away fir a year serving in Iraq. When on his return found his wife had a black baby at home.

His wife Jennifer, 38 years old told him the baby had been conceived while she had been watching a 3D PORNO FILM.

“ I see no reason not to believe her as these 3D films are VERY LIFELIKE”, Erik commented. “ With technology like it is today, Anything is possible”.

The child who claimed looked “just like the Black Male Lead Actor”, Erik registered the baby as his.

Jennifer stated that a month after going to see the film with her Girlfriends in New York, had learned that she had become pregnant.

“ I am going to sure the Cinema and the producers of the film for damages”. Stated Jennifer. “Luckily, my husband believes me, this could have wrecked my marriage”!

Whats your funny WHACKY Excuses? What did you get away with?
Guess I better stop watching midget porn.. lol. Hate to birth the lollipop guild

lol Lacy.. I don't want to know why your watching that anyways.. HA