help with sperm donor an cost of gestational

help with sperm donor an cost of gestational
help with sperm donor an cost of gestational
In a traditional way the child may be conceived via home artificial insemination using fresh or frozen sperm or impregnated via IUI (intrauterine insemination), or ICI (intracervical insemination) performed at a health clinic.
A gestational surrogacy requires the implantation of a previously created embryo, and for this reason the process always takes place in a clinical setting.
I need help finacially to be able to offerd this,
im open toi surrogacy later down road an shared parenting.
Id like to have 6 more myself an love to start asap, if you can proovide std aids,hiv tests negative an clean sperm an able to
help with traditional if not successful then best to do anyway
gestational with a embroy my egg an ur sperm
its pricey so i need donations to help with this or just the sperm donor to help with cost please.
no wonder i was so horney i was ovulation an want so badly to get pregnut but i must be safe i dont want to give a inncocent baby a std or aids that is not a very nice hobby to have its not my hobby
my hobbys are eating an planning my farm an life
an trying to conncieve an massage an shoppin an traveling.
Id love start hobbying farmoin gardning canning quilting i should been amish idalso like inverstors later help with my sheds an lil cabins for my country inn in near future goal.
my cell is if you wanna doiscuss it more im almost 30 my biloical clock is ticking ive been trying 3 years with no donor
please help me concevie id like to have a mish life just bought land soon will file my land papers like start a small inn or bedbreakfast for 1-3 rooms have a farm an a childrens fund.
i no my cylcles an able to know wen i ovulate i get realy horney
well u know when mother nature calls im back in fort smith
arkansa ready to start trying like go to fertility clinic if u dont wanna donate ur own ill use the bank an you can donate a gift(cash) so i can get help the medical help i need to conceive....... ps:i changed my mind skittles are to sweet so is green appple always save conditioner wqhatever brand from walmart both smell an taste to sweet, i didnt eat the condtioner justr smelled it, but yeah skittles wqay to sweet for me i like real fruit avacodos tomatoes
i love being pregnut like to gain we3ight id like be big an sexy maybe 250 yeah sexy. 816-982-2737
shorty's Avatar
Oh My On The Grammer!
ben dover's Avatar
Roothead's Avatar
seems that every few months these " streams of consciousness" appear.... why?
Drugs. Lots of them.
shorty's Avatar
Drugs. Lots of them. Originally Posted by JHurt1968
But she said she doesn't like skittles anymore. There too sweet!!
trynagetlaid's Avatar
This woman has 11 posts, and no where in any of them can you find any inkling that she is a serious provider.

Is she just allowed to keep her membership for our entertainment and amusement?

I want to hit the RTM button, but it's too much fun reading her crazy ramblings.
This woman has 11 posts, and no where in any of them can you find any inkling that she is a serious provider.

Is she just allowed to keep her membership for our entertainment and amusement?

I want to hit the RTM button, but it's too much fun reading her crazy ramblings. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
Best I can tell, she has no intention of calling herself a provider, she's just here for fun.

Aren't we all here for fun? Sure, a lot of intelligence gathering and sharing go on here, but at the same time, aren't we all here for fun? When a trainwreck thread appears, don't the members flock to watch?

I have not investigated her ramblings, but she sounds like a basic troll, but probably with out as much of the negatives. Try the ignore key if she bothers you.
trynagetlaid's Avatar

Try the ignore key if she bothers you.
Originally Posted by tigercat
Are you nuts? I wish I could get a text message on my phone every time she posts something new. Reading her ramblings is some of the most fun I've ever had with my clothes on!!!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Just WOW!
If you can't afford the cost of the surgery on your own, how can you afford the cost of raising the child (or 6 of them)?
This girl has posted under several handles. At one point she was stuck in Chanute and asking people to buy her a bed and breakfast or a farm.
Amy--There is also adoption or perhaps you would like to try being a foster parent first.

One of the ladies at my church always comes with her foster children. One of the little boys finally got adopted after being a foster child for 2 years.

Me personally I prefer my four legged children. LOL!
dtymh55's Avatar
I agree with Mr Shorty's first reply.
  • Kloie
  • 06-21-2012, 12:49 PM
Why would you try to get pregnant and have a bunch of kids you can't afford!!! If you have no way to pay for the surgery n such you don't need the kids go adopt!!! Its a great thing!
Why would you try to get pregnant and have a bunch of kids you can't afford!!! If you have no way to pay for the surgery n such you don't need the kids go adopt!!! Its a great thing! Originally Posted by Kloie
Bingo! My thoughts exactly!