Pacquiao vs Mosely

PornPet69's Avatar
Fight is coming up this weekend. Who do you think will win? Mosely has the power advantage, Pac-man has the speed advantage. I think Pac-man will win in a 12 rd unanimous decision.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Mosely is 75 years old. Manny Pacquiao is the best fighter of this generation. I think the networks, promoters, etc., are stretching. Manny will kick the shit out of Mosely. If they don't stop it it'll be because of AARP protests.

It's a GODDAMNED Pity!

Used to be the heavies were the pride of the fight world. Even through Lennox Lewis (not really -- there haven't been any decent heavies since Tyson!) But i guess now they all want to lie on the canvas, wrap their legs around their opponents and SFC. Oh yeah, and talk dirty and flip off the crowds! Goddamn! I've probably lived too long. Used to be the "sweet science." Now, sadly, it's the something else. Shame these bitches can't fight with their thumbs and their controllers...


Let me know which one of the midgets win. I'll be watching "Archer."
sixxbach's Avatar
Sugar Shane was the first to whop a prime Oscar De La Hoya and has carved his niche in the sport. It is a shame this fight did not take place 5 years ago. Pacman is not unbeatable, keep in mind he has lost 5 times.

Mosley has a punchers chance and will not go down without a fight. He almost took out Mayweather in round 2 before being routed the rest of the way.

Maybe Mosely can pull a Hopkins and put on a show for the ages. The smart money is on Pacman to continue his assault before Mayweather finally agrees to fight and defeat Pacman....

Yeah I said it, Money Mayweather will beat PacMan....

I missed it, damn it. Although, I knew Manny would win. Even before Mosely took a beating from Mayweather he just looked tired and worn out. I just couldn't imagine him beating Pacman. I hate to say it, but I agree with Sixx. I don't like Mayweather's arrogance, but I could see him defeating Manny.
PornPet69's Avatar
Yssup, if you didn't know by now Pac-man won. Knock Sugar down in 3rd with a 1-2 combo and rest of the fight he ran away. They touch gloves at the beginning of the rounds, everytime they bump heads, at the end of the rounds, and after they were holding each other. It was fucking ridiculous, it was like they were in just for the big purse. BFF

Used to be the heavies were the pride of the fight world. Even through Lennox Lewis (not really -- there haven't been any decent heavies since Tyson!) But i guess now they all want to lie on the canvas, wrap their legs around their opponents and SFC. Oh yeah, and talk dirty and flip off the crowds! Goddamn! I've probably lived too long. Used to be the "sweet science." Now, sadly, it's the something else. Shame these bitches can't fight with their thumbs and their controllers...


Let me know which one of the midgets win. I'll be watching "Archer." Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
This is a reflection of the moral decay of our civilization. Boxing was always brutal, but it was a REFINEMENT of our basest nature. Civilization at it's best doesn't seek to ELIMINATE our animal natures, but to TAME them, to CHANNEL them, for our moral development and happiness.

People today aren't intelligent enough to understand what's involved with boxing...the strategy, the supreme skill at all levels. The fighters of old like Marciano, Bear, Braddock, Shelling, etc. were gentlemen. Cage fighters are morons, brawlers, who can't stand one good punch from anyone who knows what they're doing. Our society used to have Nat King Cole and Tony Bennett - now we have Lil' Wayne and M&M, and likewise boxing's been replaced by cage fighting. Our civilization's in tatters all around, and our government's at the forefront of the decay, corruption and prevarication.

We're now only two degrees away from the gladiators of old, and even they were more noble than the punks of cage fighting today.
PornPet69's Avatar
LOL TAE, you crack me up. You can even parlay your radical views into the sports world. I would have to disagree on your opinion calling cage fighters morons and punks, that is pretty closed minded. Of course you're gonna have some bad apples but the majority of fighters are just everyday average nice guys. GSP, Randy Coutore, and Chuck Liddell just to name a few are really nice laid back gentlemen.
LOL TAE, you crack me up. You can even parlay your radical views into the sports world. I would have to disagree on your opinion calling cage fighters morons and punks, that is pretty closed minded. Of course you're gonna have some bad apples but the majority of fighters are just everyday average nice guys. GSP, Randy Coutore, and Chuck Liddell just to name a few are really nice laid back gentlemen. Originally Posted by PornPet69
Sorry but anyone who'd climb into a cage to wrestle around on the floor, punch, kick and grapple without any training is moron. IF they had any training at all they would know HOW TO HIT....meaning they would hit hard enough so that one single landed punch would knock out their opponent.* As it is all they do is whale away with meaningless arm punches like a couple of drunken brawlers because they're too stupid to know what a punch is supposed to be. As for being gentlemen that really makes me laugh. All you have to do is look into the faces of these idiots to know they have only double-digit IQs. They are all mental rejects.

*I'm sure they "practice" a lot but that isn't the same thing as training. Their practice is just brawling.
PornPet69's Avatar
Sorry but anyone who'd climb into a cage to wrestle around on the floor, punch, kick and grapple without any training is moron. IF they had any training at all they would know HOW TO HIT....meaning they would hit hard enough so that one single landed punch would knock out their opponent.* As it is all they do is whale away with meaningless arm punches like a couple of drunken brawlers because they're too stupid to know what a punch is supposed to be. As for being gentlemen that really makes me laugh. All you have to do is look into the faces of these idiots to know they have only double-digit IQs. They are all mental rejects.

*I'm sure they "practice" a lot but that isn't the same thing as training. Their practice is just brawling. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Haha TAE, I think you been watching too many Kung Fu movies lately. It is pretty rare to knock somebody out with one punch. I'm pretty sure they could do it to a regular guy like you and me but to knock out somebody that is also training in mma it is really hard. They aren't going to leave their chin open for an easy knock out. It is pretty obvious you don't know much about mma, generalizing about the sport makes you look ignorant. Do some research like you do in politics and then your opinion might sound better.
sixxbach's Avatar

Doesn't know shit about boxing or MMA. A pro boxer or MMA fighter could drop the average man with one punch. However for a fellow pro boxer or MMA fighter to KO another pro is rare. . It is an accumulation of punches that wears down an opponent that sets up the KO punch.

I use to hate MMA but as boxing has sadly lost star power as this generations champions are fading, MMA has filled a void. The best boxing fights are ones that involve the Mexican fighters. The action in many fights these days can be too technical for the average mainstream sports fan. I was thrilled to be watching Mosley vs. Pacman but it must have been torture for the casual fan. Boxing needs Pac vs. Mayweather before they age out of their primes....

Any trained boxer can knock out any human being with one solidly-delivered punch. The human brain shuts down when struck with that level of force, which is the level all boxers are trained to strike with.

I think the reason why KOs tend to happen later in boxing matches rather than sooner [if at all] is because the fighters are more fatigued later and are defending themselves less.

In boxing very large gloves are used to protect the fighters' hands, but even so they still injure their hands if they hit hard enough. And the cushioning of the gloves also lessens the effect of the strikes on the opponent. In cage fighting however very tiny gloves are used because the force of their strikes is very weak by comparison.