Trump won the election so why are there so many angry white supporters of his

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I mean you hear about the angry black man all the time but this angry white phenomena is interesting.

Why are Trump supporters so angry. Didnt the fuck face win?

When Obama won we we're happy you didnt see this level of anger and sadness. It's almost as if Trump supporters know that the guy is the anti-christ set to bring about the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

You folks are sad. Sad sad
Have you not been getting enough attention lately, butthurt little snowflake?

(Hey, what's the over/under on how many more completely asinine threads this harebrained pest starts during the remainder of the month?)
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Have you not been getting enough attention lately, butthurt little snowflake?

(Hey, what's the over/under on how many more completely asinine threads this harebrained pest starts during the remainder of the month?) Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
^ so much anger. So much hate. This guy has blood pouring out of his eyes, out of his where ever.

Thanks for that line Trump
^ so much anger. So much hate. This guy has blood pouring out of his eyes, out of his where ever.

Thanks for that line Trump Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Wow! Such a clever riposte! I'm so hurt.

Wherever, in that context, is one word though, stupid. (Should have stayed in school!)
I mean you hear about the angry black man all the time but this angry white phenomena is interesting.

Why are Trump supporters so angry. Didnt the fuck face win?

When Obama won we we're happy you didnt see this level of anger and sadness. It's almost as if Trump supporters know that the guy is the anti-christ set to bring about the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

You folks are sad. Sad sad Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You need to read Revelations again, cause you're way off base.

I mean you hear about the angry black man all the time .......Sad sad Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
We don't "hear" about it, Douchey.....we "READ" about him constantly. Here. Right now. You.


Go the fuck away, dude. Your act has really grown super-tiresome.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 03-16-2017, 05:38 AM
He is just another little bitch that has to scream at the top of his lungs for attention. Dumb fuck.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You need to read Revelations again, cause you're way off base.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You don't believe anything, Jim, but you believe the Bible?

Of course...

Psst... the pyramids were built on a sound stage...
lustylad's Avatar
I mean you hear about the angry black man all the time but this angry white phenomena is interesting... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
It sure is. Some of these crazy honky bitches be so angry they be gettin' their lily-white asses kicked off da plane!
You don't believe anything, Jim, but you believe the Bible?

Of course...

Psst... the pyramids were built on a sound stage... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I know what to believe and what not to believe. One thing I've learned is not to believe CNN, MSNBC and the other MSM jerkoffs that make a living at lying to the people. When you learn that and accept you've been had you will no longer have love affairs with political people.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I know what to believe and what not to believe. One thing I've learned is not to believe CNN, MSNBC and the other MSM jerkoffs that make a living at lying to the people. When you learn that and accept you've been had you will no longer have love affairs with political people.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Haha haha haha haha ...this is exactly why we look down on people like you. It tells us there are fundamental issues with your intellect. Just as bat shit crazy as Trump
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah, it's sad to see all those Trump supporters breaking windows, rioting, burning buildings and cars, looting businesses, silencing opponents. Pretty angry bunch.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I mean you hear about the angry black man all the time but this angry white phenomena is interesting.

Why are Trump supporters so angry. Didnt the fuck face win?

we aren't angry negro .. we are dancing in the streets! the Lord Emperor Trump rules!

When Obama won we we're happy you didnt see this level of anger and sadness. It's almost as if Trump supporters know that the guy is the anti-christ set to bring about the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

because unlike the negro tribe .. the white Aryans know better. what's your excuse???

You folks are sad. Sad sad Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
happy days are here again!!
  • DSK
  • 03-17-2017, 07:38 PM
You don't believe anything, Jim, but you believe the Bible?

Of course...

Psst... the pyramids were built on a sound stage... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I believe you are a faggot, but I've been to the Pyramids at Giza, and the Sphinx, and it is real, as well as all the assholes following your group around trying to sell you little pyramid trinkets made in China.
I mean you hear about the angry black man all the time but this angry white phenomena is interesting.

Why are Trump supporters so angry. Didnt the fuck face win?

When Obama won we we're happy you didnt see this level of anger and sadness. It's almost as if Trump supporters know that the guy is the anti-christ set to bring about the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

You folks are sad. Sad sad Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Iv'e said it before, it's going to be so much fun watching you ozambies melt down the further into the Presidency we go.