Provider Search

A couple of gents from the Nebraska area have said that when they do a search for providers in Nebraska, only one lady shows up.

Are they/we doing something wrong when we search? There's more than 1 lady from Nebraska who posts on the site.


gman44's Avatar
I know sometimes when I search for providers in dallas there are some that don't show up and it is because I think that they don't necessarily have that specific location under their avatar
Any update on this? I did another search tonight and it still shows only 1 provider.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Nope, no updates. Its being looked at
KenAdams's Avatar
One thing I've noticed also is that when you put criteria in for the search, it returns information not relevant to the search in question. Maybe part of a same issue? ?

This problem still hasnt been corrected
I hate to beat a dead horse, but the search feature still isn't working. Any chance of getting it fixed soon? I asked a month ago and had hoped it could be fixed by now.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I suggest you stop holding your breath on this one.