I am a Texan. I was born and raised in Texas.

I voted for Ted Cruz to be our Senator. I supported his candidacy over more "established" candidates.

I just listened to his speech at The Convention. Yes, a great speech, with one glaring omission.

I will have to think long and hard before I ever support him again.

Yes, it was a brutal Campain. Mud was slung. Innuendo and half truths permiated the visceral rhetoric.

But he just gave the signal. He believes Trump will loose, making him the front runner four years from know.

Wrong. Like I said. I will have to think long and hard.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Cruz is a douche bag. Trump is a Bozo.

Hillary is a dragon that has to be slayed.

This whole election cycle is a dumpster fire.

I'm going to vote for Trump and then get drunk. If he loses.... you'll find my fat ass chasing pussy in Costa Rica.
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 07-20-2016, 08:55 PM
Fellow Texan as well ... personally I think Cruz's mistake was made right before Texas Primary. A week before it became apparent that it was a 2 man race for insurgent candidate and a one distant runner for establishment candidate.

Cruz's move was to make a play for the establishment to join him and hopefully defeat Trump! Hoping that play and winning Texas which he knew he would - would turn the Trump tide and leave him splitting the insurgent vote and the establishment vote leaving him the fence mender. That play in so many peoples mind moved him from the conservative insurgent candidate that he is / was to a possible establishment sell out that was moderating. He lost any chance at the insurgency and never really solidified the establishment base.

What he should have done is run around saying - Great news it doesn't matter which one of us you elect - we are going to get an insurgent candidate and the establishment will have to take us seriously -- now which one of us do you want? An insurgent that has a lot of liberal leanings or an insurgent that is Solid Conservative. Additionally, I think he should have said - "To prove my resolve and to allow those of you supporting the insurgency to vote freely your conscience without fear that you will have an insurgent candidate - I pledge that if I can not gain the nomination I will instruct my delegates to vote for Trump and if he truly is the reform candidate that he says he is he will make the same pledge to me if he fails to win the nomination"

Had he done that many people would have voted for him as the more conservative candidate. As it turn out when he made a play for the establishment vote - everyone rallied behind Trump because the really mandate was NO ESTABLISHMENT CANDIDATE and we had to insure Trump won without shenanigans

Cruz in 2020:

Tonight was the first night of his future campaign for 2020..Ted had my vote from day one.. By not endorsing Trump, Ted just proved one of two things… He either has a super kick ass strategy, where this is going to come back with a really big pay off 4 years from now… ( for being the conscience of the RNC).. Or… He is the biggest complete dumbass in the world and it is going to kick him in the balls worse than ever... I guess only time will tell… But I still love TC..
A snip here and there to clean up your thoughts, sir. Otherwise, I think you nailed it:

Tonight Ted just proved one thing....He is the biggest complete dumbass in the world Originally Posted by ADRENALINE JUNKIE
Cruz....whatta douche......whatta embarrassment to our great state and to the party. It's time for him to go away for good.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
he gave a good speech. can't really blame him for not endorsing Trump. however, he did give a sort of a nod in the last part of the speech, about not staying home and voting for some one who is best for the nation.

he'll be back in 2020 or 2024.
Cruz just earned my respect- a lot of you guys are only supporting Trump because he has an R next to his name- you guys are the sheep- you would for a clown if it had an "R" next to his name. Trump will lose BIG to Hillary.
I know many republicans who are sitting this one out. Look at the long list of GOP heavyweights that are not even attending the convention. this is the first time in History that a person has ran for a political party and doesn't have an endorsement from any of the living Presidents- it's sad to see the party I once loved and admired slip into oblivion.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Cruz was almost as big an asshole as Patrick was at the Presidents town hall.

These fuckers didn't get elected in my neighborhood.

And they sure don't speak for me.

But Cruz got all up in Drumpf's face and the faces of all Trumpites.

And, when he got finished making excuses for his wife's scandalous "speech" last night (OK, that's probably not such a big deal but hey goddammit we are fucking with the other guys here so cut me a fucking break), Drumpf had to Tweet after him, which means that for once this week, he wasn't playing Pokemon on his cellphone. HAHAHA.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Cruz is an ungrateful, classless bastard. After tonight, he has no chance of ever being President. What a fucking crybaby.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Trump was gracious enough to give Cruz enough rope to hang himself.

He did not disappoint.
Cruz just earned my respect- a lot of you guys are only supporting Trump because he has an R next to his name- you guys are the sheep- you would for a clown if it had an "R" next to his name. Trump will lose BIG to Hillary.
I know many republicans who are sitting this one out. Look at the long list of GOP heavyweights that are not even attending the convention. this is the first time in History that a person has ran for a political party and doesn't have an endorsement from any of the living Presidents- it's sad to see the party I once loved and admired slip into oblivion. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
These Republicans will be responsible for a Liberl/Socialist/Progressive leaning Supreme Court for the next 40 years.

If you are comfortable with a lying, reprehensible, money grubbing, inept, sexual predator enabling Democrat as President, then sit it out.

If you have been reading this Forum for any time, you know that Trump was not my first choice. But, he won the Primaries by the rules set forth. He ran his Campain, his way, and earned the nomination.

If you sit this one out, you just endorsed Hillary. That is the way the Electoral System that we use to elect our President works. It's reality.

This election is too important to engage in little pity parties because your man, or woman, did not get the votes needed to win.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 07-21-2016, 05:47 AM
I think he may have committed political suicide. And I'm good with that. I have never been a fan.
LexusLover's Avatar
2018 will be the "tell" on whether or not his decision was "politically correct"!

2016 November vote count in Texas will be an indicator, and if Trump doesn't carry Texas in the Fall it will presumptively be on Cruz's back. But it is my understanding Cornyn is not tossing his hat in Trump's ring either. It's my recollection that Cruz barely won in 2012 .... so he may not fare well in a general election in an off year in 2018 .... The 2016 results in Texas will be an indication, and then who is fielded by the Democrats for a 2018 run against him. If he gets tanked in 2018 I would say his chances are even less in 2020.

It's difficult to be a "fan" of Cruz, even when he is being "nice." Now his word is no good!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I voted for Dewhurst.

Trump's derogatory comments about the other Republican Presidential candidates during the primary campaign were uncalled for and are coming back to haunt him. Cruz. Fiorina. Jeb Bush. Rubio. You reap what you sow.