Why Russia Is Rejoicing Over Trump

For Putin, Trump is the gift that keeps on giving. Shunned and sanctioned by Western leaders for Russia's aggression in Ukraine, Putin now sees a future ally riding into view. The Kremlin and its right-wing supporters also enthusiastically applaud the isolationist they see in Trump, who has suggested he might curtail U.S. involvement in NATO and European affairs, and who derides the same political “mainstream” that has deemed Putin a pariah.

He might curtail US involvement in NATO???? Geeze, this is scary.

Full article:


In today’s more volatile world, the U.S. needs allies. Many of Trump’s campaign pledges will make it harder to regain the trust Obama has lost. Some of them will inflict still more damage. Trump’s charge that NATO allies are freeloaders won’t improve relations with European governments or voters. His threats to impose tariffs on Mexico and Japan will antagonize citizens and lawmakers in those countries. A promise to eject 11 million undocumented workers from the U.S. and build a wall along the southern border will antagonize millions of Latin-Americans. His “suggestion” that all Muslims should be banned from entering the country won’t improve U.S. relations with the world’s Muslims or their governments, both of whom are critical for the daily struggle against terrorism.

Full article:

Trump and the World: What Could Actually Go Wrong


Trump is obviously dangerous for foreign relations and our Country!
gfejunkie's Avatar
You have a problem with Russians? Hillary doesn't...

LexusLover's Avatar
Some folks are forgetting ....

.... Trump has been "doing this" longer and more successfully than HillariousNoMore.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

DRumpf hasn't lifted a finger his whole life.


If Drumpf is the best and brightest you have, then you have NOTHING.

The world is laughing at you, ya lemmings.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
NATO is a Cold War construct. It really is irrelevant today. We are $19 trillion in debt. We can't afford all these foreign entanglements. It's about time we reevaluated these agreements and made them easier on us, and more relevant to today.

And remember, it's been Obama who has been looking the other way as the Russians have been expanding. Putin is much more likely to gain more control in Europe with Hillary as president, because Hillary is an appeaser, and proven incompetent in foreign affairs.