24 July: What have we learned this week?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We wrap up the GOP convention in Cleveland and what did we learn?

We learned that the opposition to Donald Trump is not as great as they wanted us to believe. The rules committee did not overturn the rules allowing for another choice against the votes of the people.

We saw that the massive protests did not materialize. Either the earlier protests were astroturf, people don't really care, or they were too afraid of the massive law enforcement presence to show their asses to the world.

Since the email dump, we know that many of anti Trump protests were what we suspected; bought and paid for by the Hillary campaign.

We learned that people like Jeb Bush, John Kasich, and Ted Cruz (fyi, I was a Cruz supporter) have no real sense of honor unless it is to advance their own cause. They made an agreement, signed an oath, but failed to follow through. Their time to advance in politics is over.

If you judge a person by their childen then Donald Trump is a great man. Even his California daughter Tiffany is something of a success. The rest are great representatives for this country. Donald Trump Jr. has a place in politics if he chooses to give up his current career and the same can be said for Ivanka.

Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump were right! Politics is rigged, Hillary lied repeatedly about it along with her surrogates Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Elizabeth Warren. As the corrupt sheperds rigging herd over the sheeple with the help of the sheepdog media, politics is rigged for the establishment.

So we learned that the GOP membership overthrow the establishment but the elite masterminds of the democratic party were victorious this week.

We learned that the world is a dangerous place still even if the delusional Barack Obama pointedly said otherwise at his press conference. What we did not learn but we suspect is that Barack Obama has a mental illness or he thinks you are the most stupid people he has ever represented and we're talking about Chicago. That's saying a lot.

We learned that the environment is taking care of itself as Leo flies around in his private plane to catch a private helicopter to talk to his friends about global warming.

We learned that Sassy Sue is a dude living in a basement somewhere and probably used to have a man's name....does this mean that SS is transgender? We also learned that Sassy Sue doesn't have any idea about what she is linking to when she can't (like Assup) understand simple economic principals.

I would like to take the opportunity to encourage everyone to boycott the obviously fake Sassy and as that the moderator ban (her). Not for her opinion but because she is filling up the board with nonsense and shit that she is throwing out there for bait.

Anything that I missed?

On a personal note, B-bye Debbie Wasserman-Schultz as you get thrown under that crowded bus.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I vote for Sue to stay, and you to leave.