Dismayed by Donald Trump, Michael Bloomberg Will Endorse Hillary Clinton

The news is an unexpected move from Mr. Bloomberg, who has not been a member of the Democratic Party since 2000; was elected the mayor of New York City as a Republican; and later became an independent.

Mrs. Clinton is seeking to reach out to middle-of-the-road swing voters and even moderate Republicans uneasy about Mr. Trump. Polls show that significant numbers of Republicans remain wary of Mr. Trump, and question his fitness for the presidency.

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TheDaliLama's Avatar
Bloomberg owes me money..

If that asshole endorses Clinton then I'm voting Trump damnit!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Bloomie was always a democrat. he just pretended to be republican as he figured it would be easier to get elected this way.

theres not much difference between a democrat or a progressive republican.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not when they all vote AGAINST Drumpf!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Nobody cares what Bloomberg thinks. He outlawed the Big Gulp. He's an idiot.
To get his endorsement, she had to promise to quit buying those big 44 ounce soft drinks.

Bloomberg said....."look at that ass, proof those things should be banned".