Guess Who Hillary Just Hired?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Debbie Wasserman Schultz

You can't make this shit up.

I was close.
lustylad's Avatar
Holy fuck, I thought you were punking us but it's TRUE!

Crooked Hillary doesn't give a rat's ass about appearances! This is a corrupt quid pro quo if there ever was one! One of her minions is caught rigging the nomination - and hildebeest turns around and makes sure the cunt is rewarded for being such a loyal lapdog! Otherwise Debbie might start talking about all that Clinton Dirty Baggage and who knows what embarrassing details would come out? A plum new job will make sure "I See Nothing" Schultz continues to see nothing!

LexusLover's Avatar

I was close. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Are you sure you were wrong?
LexusLover's Avatar
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Position: Email/Internet Security Supervisor

(Liaison to FBI for Data Hacking Investigations)
gfejunkie's Avatar
It does speak a lot to the integrity of HRC, doesn't it?

It's nonexistent.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz

You can't make this shit up. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Wasserman was forced to resign as chair woman of the DNC. Her statements about Bernie shouldn't be a reflection on Hillary. After all, Hillary is not the one who said them. Bernie gave a statement about the whole situation. Here is the article.

Sanders says leaked DNC emails don't change his support for Clinton
Is DWS a lesbian?
Not surprised. She "bought" the Attorney General of the United States with the promise of a job, so why not another lackey on the payroll.
pyramider's Avatar
Hillary will soon hire the white NAACP chick.
LexusLover's Avatar
Wasserman was forced to resign as chair woman of the DNC. Originally Posted by SassySue
No she wasn't! The ONLY WAY she can be "forced" to do anything is with a floor vote of the delegates to the convention based upon a "point of order" after a decision by the "committee members"!

This was a negotiated (backroom deal) (another rigging) to avoid a public airing of the DNC's dirty laundry. Clintonish to the core!

See the Clinton-Lynch airplane meeting!!!!!

If you want a representative form of government then operate like one!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
these people do represent their supporters, lying, cheating, mooch off of others, criminal, Democrats.

Crooked Hillary doesn't give a rat's ass about appearances! This is a corrupt quid pro quo if there ever was one! Originally Posted by lustylad
Hillary, in the midst being investigated, said she "may decide" to keep lynch as a g

if any republican said anything close to that while being investigated..well you know what the dimocrat publicists masquerading as the news media would have done
Wasserman was forced to resign as chair woman of the DNC. Originally Posted by SassySue
Wasserman hasn't resigned yet. It's effective supposedly at the end of the convention. You know, in case there's a coup.
LexusLover's Avatar
Wasserman hasn't resigned yet. It's effective supposedly at the end of the convention. You know, in case there's a coup. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Wasserman has got to have a death wish .... her life is flashing in front of her!

She's not qualified to moisten envelope flaps.