have you ever had 1 of those "Oh shit, I know you moments"

Max Rax's Avatar
So this past Saturday I attended a family reunion. Long story short a client was there.

Come to find out he's my 3rd or 4th cousin needless to say we avoided each other like the plague, but his wife and I were talking turns out since i was trying to avoid him i went outside to the park which is where his wife was watching their kids. When he saw me speaking to her he looked scared of course he has nothing to be scared about its not like i'm going to say anything.

Oh and of course he is now on the list of oh shit he's my cousin lol just wondering what everybody here would have done or what you would do if u found out you had seen a relative bcd
boardman's Avatar
Like they say in Louisiana, "If she ain't good enough for her own family why would anyone else want her."
slowrider69's Avatar
No... I would be freaked out then I would get my cool back. The best course of action IMHO is to act like nothing is wrong and that it never happened. Never speak of it and if asked deny, deny, deny and act very insulted.

Plus never see them again .... unless she was HOT... LOL. It would depend on third cousin by how many marriages. If checked up on many of us may be 5th or 6th cousins if you looked at it. In looking at my family tree it turns out my parents Gx10 grandparents were the exact same.

I know all of my cousins and most of my second cousins so I am not worried. Now if it was my cousin's x-wife or my second/third... cousin's x-wife then it would be NBD. I mean they are not blood related.

Notice I said x-wife... I do not judge but have my own rules. I assume this extends to each person's view of having sex with 3rd and 4th cousins. For that matter siblings and cousins. Personally I don't get upset unless somone in that arrangment does not consent, is underage or lies about who they are.... like not telling a 3rd cousin about their family status.
Wow... my mind would be blown too at first, but don't trip.
Third or fourth cousin removed are very remote, and you didn't know. Was it good? Lol..
Raphael's Avatar
A prostitute among my cousins? I'd say my family was more interesting than I thought - and hope she'd have the intelligence and the freedom to communicate with me, over their heads.
I have a sick fantasy of one day fucking one of my distant cousins. Fueled by two things - she's hot and it's so taboo.

But the after-effects of sex is a mother fucker. Imagine the awkwardness afterwards in a sober family oriented setting. Gross.

So it'll forever be a no-go.
Meoauniaea's Avatar
I was floored when my friend said he fucked his second cousin. I told him, "what did I tell you after the first one?"
texasjohn1965's Avatar
no harm, no foul? I would laugh my ass off

cash and dash......now that would be a problem
aRandyOne's Avatar
I picked up my nephew's ex-wife on the street a year after their divorce. She and I "clicked" and remembered where we knew each other from halfway through a BJ the front seat of my truck and she dashed out of the truck into an alley. I should have realized who she was earlier because she used her real first name out on the street.
  • anita
  • 10-04-2010, 07:25 PM
Hum....it already happened there is nothing you can do about it. As long as it was not your direct brother it is not that weird lol. If it was me I would just act like I never met him before.
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 10-05-2010, 09:03 AM
That is why I prefer Asian!
OMG! I would say yuck first..... then I would say.. hey I am free coming weekend. LOL

I want to be your cousin Max Rax. You are very freaky to my standards and it turns me on.
That has happened to me... kinda. At my moms birthday party two years ago, a client was there. I dodged him ALL night. Come to find out, he's married to my mom's new husbands' niece.
Although we arent blood, I stopped seeing him because thats REALLY