PlannedParenthood wins Supreme Court Case

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-10-2018, 09:18 AM
  • oeb11
  • 12-10-2018, 10:28 AM
Planned Parenthood provides much more patient care than abortion - and some locations do not provide abortion
PP was smeared in 2015 by false video allegations of selling fetal tissue- strictly illegal.
Perpetrators face new felony charges in Kalifornia.

For once, I agree with Becerra - Kalifornia Attorney general

I do not know how K voted
It is a victory for care for the underserved.
Justice Kavanaugh is smart enough to realize that a SCOTUS decision to consider the appeals would likely damage future Republican electoral prospects in closely contested districts and states. Also, he reiterated an earlier statement that for all intents and purposes he considers Roe v. Wade "settled law."
themystic's Avatar
Justice Kavanaugh is smart enough to realize that a SCOTUS decision to consider the appeals would likely damage future Republican electoral prospects in closely contested districts and states. Also, he reiterated an earlier statement that for all intents and purposes he considers Roe v. Wade "settled law." Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
Im surprised he didn't chime in. The Republicans use abortion, gay rights, who is pissing in the wrong Restroom, crack down on hooker websites and all this sex stuff as a giant smoke screen. Then their elected President pays off a couple of chicks he fucked-( while married) its no big deal. That why a lot of liberals think the Republicans are hypocrites and full of shit
bamscram's Avatar
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-10-2018, 11:25 AM
Justice Kavanaugh is smart enough to realize that a SCOTUS decision to consider the appeals would likely damage future Republican electoral prospects in closely contested districts and states. Also, he reiterated an earlier statement that for all intents and purposes he considers Roe v. Wade "settled law." Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
So you think he voted the way he did to help get Trump reelected?
  • grean
  • 12-10-2018, 11:55 AM

How did Judge K vote? Originally Posted by WTF
Kavanaugh voted with the majority.

Abortion is a right wing boogie man to get votes

Abortions rights cases before viability have been consistently turned down by SCOTUS.

91% of abortions occur before week 13.
(A pill can be used 10 weeks and before)
7.6 %occur before week 20.
Only 1.3 % occur after week 20.

So almost 98% of abortions fall under the category SCOTUS says is no one's business but the woman and her doctor.

The 1.3 after 20 weeks for the most part are medically necessary for the mother's safety.

I don't believe anyone has anything against laws restricting late abortions that have no medical necessity.
themystic's Avatar
Kavanaugh voted with the majority.

Abortion is a right wing boogie man to get votes

Abortions rights cases before viability have been consistently turned down by SCOTUS.

91% of abortions occur before week 13.
(A pill can be used 10 weeks and before)
7.6 %occur before week 20.
Only 1.3 % occur after week 20.

So almost 98% of abortions fall under the category SCOTUS says is no one's business but the woman and her doctor.

The 1.3 after 20 weeks for the most part are medically necessary for the mother's safety.

I don't believe anyone has anything against laws restricting late abortions that have no medical necessity. Originally Posted by grean
Thats good info grean. Do the right wingers use condoms or birth control? Isn't that pre-abortion
  • grean
  • 12-10-2018, 12:08 PM
SCOTUS has not stopped states from implementing laws that force abortion clinics to have certain hospital access.

They say a woman can have a procedure but restrict where she can have it.....
bambino's Avatar
Thats good info grean. Do the right wingers use condoms or birth control? Isn't that pre-abortion Originally Posted by themystic
Yes, millions of sperm die when condoms are used.
themystic's Avatar
Yes, millions of sperm die when condoms are used. Originally Posted by bambino
So if Trump would have gotten Stormy pregnant he would have insisted she have the baby? You know since he doesn't believe in abortion, or birth control
  • grean
  • 12-10-2018, 12:29 PM
Thats good info grean. Do the right wingers use condoms or birth control? Isn't that pre-abortion Originally Posted by themystic

The right out skirts think any contraceptive use is a ticket to ed and contraceptive access just make people want to have sex.

Me thinks they need to take biology because I can look at box a condoms and it does nothing for me. I look at some tig ol' bitties glisten in the sun, I have a sudden urge to fuck regardless of my access to the condoms I saw. I just know I need to go buy one....
  • oeb11
  • 12-10-2018, 01:46 PM
Abortion is a difficult decision for a woman.

It should be between her and her physician - Period!
Government should Butt Out, except for licensure, and safety standards for Doctors and Patients,
  • grean
  • 12-10-2018, 01:56 PM
except for licensure, and safety standards for Doctors and Patients, Originally Posted by oeb11
That is how conservatives have effectively taken acess away from so many.

It's the same as making bullets illegal but they don't see it that way.
  • oeb11
  • 12-10-2018, 02:14 PM
Please consider my post in entirety for it's meaning.

I agree that restrictive regulations based on "standards of care" that are to effectively restrict the doctor-patient relationship are anathema.
I grew up in the era of back alley abortions - those are a horror

Access to licensed physicians in safe care environment unrestricted by government interference is in the best interest of the patient- (woman)