Name Drug Through The Mud?

Irish14's Avatar
Recently, it was brought to my attention that there were 2 people telling others that I was a stalker and to stay away. What's frustrating about this is 1) I'm being accused of something I didn't do & 2) One of the alleged "stalking victims" has never even met me!!!!!!!!

When I was in college, I dated a girl that attended a different school. When we broke up, she began stalking me. By stalking I mean she would show up at my place at all hours of the night pounding on my door and on one occasion even tried to break in. She would call me everyday non stop leaving unpleasant VM's and on multiple occasions would completely fill my VM up. Somehow she got my class schedule for the semester and would wait outside for me when she knew I would be walking in or out of class. Keep in mind this girl didn't even attend the University and I told her on mutiple occasions to leave me alone and that it was over! It all came to a head when she started the same shit with my family after she realized I was not going to respond to her. She showed up at my family's house and broke out two car windows. Fortunantly, LE caught her and that was the end of it. This is what I would consider stalking!!!

Now in this current situation, I'm accused of being a stalker even though we don't even live in the same city, I rarely text her and we never speak on the phone. She's been to my house but I've never been to her's. I cut ties with this person last week and then she starts texting me??? But I'm the stalker??? GTFOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's my point to all this.. I make it a point to be polite, courteous and respectful with all the women I see in the Hobby. I want our sessions to be fun and I want to be known as an overall great guy! I NEVER ask for personal info... If they want to share it fine, but it is held with great privacy and I expect the same in return. There's two sides to every story and I want to make sure mine is out there. I have nothing to hide... I'm verified on P411 and have several Providers that would vouch for me. In addition, if you want to run a criminal background check on me, simply PM me and I'll give you the intel. I work 60 hours a week and even if I wanted to stalk someone, especially someone out of town, there is no fucking logistical way. Some people have way too much time on their hands!

I'm in this Hobby because I love beautiful woman and fucking... Period. I'm not on here for a GF or to find a wife... It's just business.. A very fun business! I've had my ups and downs in this Hobby as everyone does and have made mistakes... But one thing I'm proud of is never publicly blasting providers. I will continue to follow this self-imposed rule but getting my name drug through the mud for something I did not do upsets me tremendously....

To those that tried to fuck with my name.... Dueces

More importantly, to those that have had my back, THANK-YOU!!!
livn2do's Avatar
I wasn't going to say anything because I think that anyone who knows you (even just through the hobby) knows that this is BS. If you can be accused of anything hobby related, in my opinion, it would be that you are to nice of a guy...with great taste in Scotch.

That being said, since due to your employment you don't have time to travel I'd like to offer up my services. Since I do travel a lot, I'd be willing to be your stand in stalker. Although I have never stalked before I am willing to learn. I will do my best to represent you in a manner conducive to that of a grade A stalker. Plus since I have already seen all of the top notch local ladies worth seeing in DSM, I could give a rat's ass what someone thinks of me so as a friend, I'd be more then willing to do this for you.

Know this buddy. All the people that matter. All the people (hobbiest and providers) whose opinions actually carry any weight within this local hobby community know that you are not a stalker.

Party on Garth

And if by chance some moron actually gives credence to my second paragraph, do us all favor and just go back to living in your mama's basement. It's called tongue in cheek which means it is not to be taken literally but implies humor.
Irish14's Avatar
Greatly appreciated Livn... Your words mean a lot to me. There will always be "Haters" and on the plus side it appears one has realized our location isn't the best place for her to keep shop set up... Don't let the door hit ya on the way out!!! There are plenty of beautiful woman out there that I would love nothing more than to "make it rain" for! That said... Movin on!!!! Life is too short and I want to play hard!!!
LMAO HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA he said "make it rain" that is freakin awesome.....

Livn2do would you like to be my new stalker... u can watch me touch myself when no one watching .. just know im thinking of you LMAO mmuuuuuuuuah doll you are awesome!
livn2do's Avatar
Babe as long as I get to watch you do that thing. You know that jaw dropping, pulse quickening, makes me wet thing you do with your delicious who-zee-what’s-it...sign me up.
You guys have me rolling so hard I'm in TEARS!!

I might be in the market for a new stalker ... any takers!?!?
Irish14's Avatar
You guys have me rolling so hard I'm in TEARS!!

I might be in the market for a new stalker ... any takers!?!? Originally Posted by MichelleInIowa
I know where you live Michelle.... (Evil laughter ensues!)
I know where you live Michelle.... (Evil laughter ensues!) Originally Posted by Irish14

Your application is approved!! What date can you start?
DallasRain's Avatar
mmmmmm I would LUV to stalk any of yall! lol
DallasRain's Avatar
OMG--Irish babe...I had such fun---you rock!
Irish14's Avatar
OMG--Irish babe...I had such fun---you rock! Originally Posted by DallasRain
I lost my virginity on the Highway To Hell Yeah!!! Dee, You are amazing!!!! Thank you for taking me to the "Wild Side"!!!!!!