Big tits

I am curious as to how many providers think men prefer big MM tits? I for one prefer smaller boobs. The man made boobs are just over kill. I have been with several ladies that are thinking of getting boob jobs.
I prefer smaller breasts as well. Typically, but not always as there's always exceptions, slender / fit women fit the bill. And I love slim women.
myfavhobby's Avatar
I too prefer A or B size breasts. There is something about the profile that drives me wild.
A, B, C, D, DD - any of the above, as long as they are NOT surgically enhanced.

Hey, they're tits! It's all good.
I never met a boob I didn't like.

That said.....gawd help me....I DO like 'em big. Real big.
I've heard that MM's lose sensitivity and well, fuuuuuuck that. I like my small C's just fine, thankyouverymuch.
TheADream's Avatar
B or C are great if she has a big posterior.

D's are great if lack of posterior.

Natural D's and posterior, mental overload. Please reboot and try again...
awl4knot's Avatar
In light with the current political scheme I am a complete hypocrite. Although I say I am an organic boob guy the reality is that many of my true favorites have bionic headlights. My bottom line about bust lines is that as long as they look good I don't care about their provenance.
soxfan's Avatar
All natural any size and throw in an occasional puffer set!!! Hell yeah
bamscram's Avatar
Any size providing they don't sag.
I'm not a man, but I have DDDs...thus I prefer small boobs. However, my atf set of tits belongs to AlishaSmiley15802...hers are DDD but the best thing about them is they defy gravity. When she's standing up they touch without her pushing them together, when she lies down...they don't fall to the sides. They're all natural too.

But generally...I like the small perky ones !
Some days, i want a nice perky set of B's or C's and then other days i want a monster set of DDD's or bigger. I think that if you are proud of what you have, thats a very sexy quality to me. I've been with all different body types, shapes, and sizes and i think for me, its more about the experience in total rather than one body part that makes it memorable for me. although i must say, there is not a better set of tits that i have seen in person than the magical melons of Cheyenne Ryder. Large, but not massive, and gravity defying. I remember thinking "Holy mother of God!!!" when her shirt came off and those perfect breasts slid out of the cute lil bra that she was wearing.

I think that ladies here get caught up too much in thinking that one particular body part can make the difference between success and failure, but i believe that if you just own who you are and be consistent in the service that you provide, bigger or smaller tits or ass, etc shouldnt matter. This hobbby unfortunately causes a lot of women to second guess themselves because of some insensitive shit that been said to them by someone that they probably will never meet. I say, own what you have, rock what you've got and ignore those that want to try and bring you down. everyone has their own "type" and theres a flavor for every cone lol. Be proud of who you are and/or work to make yourself a little better every day and you will be just fine
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
I was a bouncer in some local strip clubs of my summer break during college. I've seen all kinds of tits.

It's the ass, Legs and a fat juicy clit that get me arroused.
That One's Avatar
I like a full set of boobies. They can be small or large. I really don't discriminate. The sad truth is I will motor boat almost any girls tits. They come in all sizes and varieties! I don't care if they are slightly different. I still love to put my face in boobs. Does that mean that I have mommy issues? LOL Ok, I will need to attend Big Boobs Anonymous!
My preference is they match the frame of the woman. If she is a spinner type, As, Bs and maybe Cs are the most attractive. If she is thick and curvy, then please let her be curvy top and bottom. I like them all from 0 to plus.