Austin community happy hour

It was great seeing everyone tonight!
Fletchlives's Avatar
Yes. Another good time. Thank you CK for making it happen once again.

Claire as always it was nice seeing you. It was good to see the "usual suspects" as well as see some new faces and meeting some lovely ladies!

Can't wait 'til the next one!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah wuz gonna try ta make it, but ma prescription for Valtrex ran out and that big ol' fever blister wuz a-hurtin me too dang much.
green_lantern's Avatar
Yes it was. Claire it was a pleasure meeting you, along with everyone else. This was my first social with all the gang and everyone was very welcoming. As Fletch said, thanks CK for making it happen.
I had a wonderful time and enjoyed the every single conversation. Good times! GL, it was so nice to meet you and let me know when you are ready to start that other career ;-) we could make a fortune!

xoxo to all,

It was great to see some familiar faces as well as meet so many new. I'm looking forward to the next event. Thank you again CK!!
sms918's Avatar
yes thanks ck, now I'm glad I had another reason to go to austin. Took me awhile, got lost one or twice ( should've listened to gps).

It was nice meeting and seeing some of the people from austin that I've been reading about. Like san antonio, Providers looks much better than their pictures. A couple of people were talking about, and also mentioning a thread I read about how people are sometimes different in person than on the boards. The loudest, rudest, obnoxious poster might very nice in person. (Provider or hobbist)

Saw some familiar faces from san antonio m & g, wanted to see differences in m & g's, definitely worth drive.

Now when I'm reading some of these posts I can put faces and personalities to them.(that's why I was reading name tags, especially hobbist, providers (we'll just stick with that I was reading the name tag and leave it there, although there were some very good looking name tags)
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Thanks for another great time...much needed night out...Great to see old friends..reconnect with an even older friend ...
Lil' Tex's Avatar
Great to see you again Claire! And it was nice to meet you Aidan!
Sorry I missed you Vicky, and I have been wanting to meet Aphrodite, must have just bugged out too soon...
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Sorry I missed you.... .. Something fun side tracked me :-)
Ugh I'm sorry I missed it I wanted to go but I just couldn't make it. Glad it was a good time asalways!!
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
I wish I'd arrived earlier, but then I probably would have scared too many fellas away with my raging libido vibe! lol Good seeing everyone and really want to see some of you BCD soon! *rowr*
Aiden; Lovely to see you again my friend! We need to finish our conversation some day soon. Maybe I'll make the trek to Houston to see you and my fans there who've been impatienty awaiting my return. My car... Ugh! lol I'll PM you.

Kudos to our wait staff at the party and as always, our gracious and generous host, CK!

ck1942's Avatar
What a crowd! I stopped counting at 69, and I know several more ladies and gents showed.

Glad we we able to extend the event an hour past scheduled close.

Y'all there will be getting an invite notice to the Oct. 29 Hollow Weenie in San Antonio. More than a few folks from Dallas, Houston, elsewhere already planning to attend.

See y'all there or in Austin for a holiday bash.
Good seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Really enjoyed flirting with many of you lovely ladies.
Thanks for organizing, CK!

If you do read name tags, I'm not Claire
I was Ms. labeled.

Great to see familiar faces and meet new ones.