1 year in Eccie land. How was your FIRST year?

fun2come's Avatar
Exactly 1 year ago, at a late hour, I signed up for Eccie.

Been a FUN year, THX Y'ALL

A brief history of "fun2come" time:
Join Date: Oct 30, 2012
First Post: 10-31-2012, 10:54 AM http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=...&postcount=173
First Review: 11-02-2012, 09:38 AM http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=591182
1 year later:
Total Posts: 3,650
Reviews: 31
I have enjoyed some great S*X, I mean, company with 21 different Ladies !!!
... and I made a few friends among the gents as well. Some of you have saved me from grave (newbie) mistakes.

To make a long post short:
Y'all, how was your FIRST Hobby year?
Mine started off crappy but once I got on my own it was great, I have met a bunch of different people and had a blast.
I just realized this is also my one year 'anniversary', so to speak although it is the third time I have taken a ride on the courtesan carousel.

This time has truly been very positive and I have met some spectacular men. Many of you have touched my heart, encouraged me, made me smile, moved me with how you have overcome various challenges and 98% of you have shown yourselves as strong, yet gentle hearted, masculine warriors :-)

My self image is in a different place at this point in my life. I don't seek to have my self esteem reinforced through these encounters...that is healthiest :-)
I will let you know next year, but so far it hasn't been good.
fun2come's Avatar
Mine started off crappy but once I got on my own it was great, I have met a bunch of different people and had a blast. Originally Posted by shayla84
as you joined a week before me, it feels like I have lived through most of that with you .... and now you are fixing to leave town.

I will let you know next year, but so far it hasn't been good. Originally Posted by OldTexas65
Don't get too addicted ... and do report back in about a year.
Fletchlives's Avatar
I too recently passed the 1 year mark. Man time flies! I have had some great experiences with some awesome ladies and have been thoroughly entertained watching the drama unfold on the board. I am just getting started though. Can't wait until my next encounter.
manuatu's Avatar
Congrats F2C
My first year was my best year, and also my most active - there is probably some correlation there. I met my ATF and a few close contenders, as well.
my year won't come until next but so far so good. I'm really enjoying the community. Everyone is so nice
Sorry f2c, I don't remember my first year. Senility thing, you know...
Came over here after the mother ship sank and have continued having fun when the opportunity arises. I have met lots of awesome folks here, both the ladies and other gents. Of course there is the occasional asshat or poor hobby experience through the years but I am glad that I have been afforded the opportunity to be here and enjoy. Thanks to those who have made this such a good ride.
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
I recall this fable...

An old bull and a young bull stood side-by-side on the hilltop, looking at the cows down in the pasture. The young bull said, “Boy howdy, I’m gonna run down there as fast as I can. I bet I can fuck half of ‘em before they scatter.” The old bull said, “Fine. You do that. Me, I’m gonna walk down real slow. Don’t wanna spook ‘em. And by the end of the afternoon, I’m gonna fuck ‘em all. Every single one.”
