signiture line

sue_nami's Avatar
I was thinking of putting my menu and prices on my signature line which I'm not using now at all. Then I thought it might be crass and I don't want it to look like I am advertising every time I comment on a post. so, what you y'all think about signature lines and their best use. is it tacky to put menu and prices there?
ItsAllMe's Avatar
I'd suggest you include a link to your page with prices, services etc on your signature block.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I maybe wrong but I dont think we can & rates in sig line...
When I post in a thread I like my sig line to be turned off after
This is only an opinion, but I find turning off sig line after one post more classy like Victoria suggests. No way for anyone to complain about it being an ad that way. Seems to me a way to be taken serious w/o the distractions.
It may be a sign that I spend too much time reading here, but signature lines, like banner ads, have become almost invisible to me. My eyes go right to content and ignore the rest.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 11-13-2013, 09:01 AM
Well, it's a tool that the web owners made available. HOW it's used varies greatly as some may take advantage of it. I'm taken aback sometimes when I see a topic with 3-4 pages yet it only comprises 20 or so posts.

In the end do what you thinnk works for you.
3daygetaway's Avatar
Maybe it could be somewhat disguised, like:

"The best $60 you'll ever spend!"

"Borrow Sixty bucks from someone you love, and then love someone for Sixty bucks, today!"

"What do you get when you rub three $20 bills together? Sue Nami!"
sue_nami's Avatar
3day, thanks for your input and my donation is $100.
3daygetaway's Avatar
I knew it was more than $60, but it seemed an easy number to play with for my example.
universalenergy's Avatar
See you donated some time.
Thanks maybe you can teach me a thing or two.
GneissGuy's Avatar
There's info in the rules thread.
I keep forgetting about signature lines because I'm almost always using the mobile site. Now I wonder what I'm missing, lol.
Mr.Crowley's Avatar
How on earth do you stand that mobile site? I can't even read it because it doesn't zoom.