Lasting too long: Delayed Ejaculation

I found this article to be very informative and wanted to share for those who may experience similar problems as the article describes.

All too often it is the other way around with ED, however lasting too long without completion can be a problem in itself. Many men have the ability to get and maintain an erection for a long time but can never cum.

If you are interested in reading the article click on the link. It is much too long for me to cut and paste here.
It hasn't happened to me much, but it has happened before. Actually, I think it's happened to me twice while hobbying. In one instance I just wasn't that attracted to the provider in question. The other time I just couldn't get it to go. I was pumpin' and sweatin' my ass off and it got so tired I just gave up. The provider had done her job, very good I might add. I just couldn't spill any juices that day.
I think that if a guy if struggling near the end of the session, the provider should get his mind focused on somethng that really turns him on. Often, if she can start talking about what she loves to do or think about which is similar to what the guy also loves to do and think about, that will push him over.
I thought this comment in the article is so true!

"It's amazing how frequently a man who has not ejaculated with his partner for years has somehow convinced her, and even himself, that the status quo is just fine. Orgasm may not be everything -- but it is also not nothing!"

So many men I think that suffer from this condition do tend to convince themselves it's no big deal so long as his partner is satisfied. As nice as that may be for the lady (to a certain extent) it is self denial of the problem.
talking dirty definitely distracts the hell out of me and makes me spill my load. i can be going good and strong until then. all the counter measures to last long go right out the window.

and noises to.....oMg
Thanks for the link to the article.

At 63 years old, I do not have too much trouble the first round of a session, but the second time can often present a problem. As you noted, the erection is not the problem, getting just the right stimulation to bring it to completion can be. I am fortunate that I see a provider who is willing to work with me, and bring me around that second time.

I do not see this getting better as I get older, I guess time will tell. As long as I am with a understanding Lady who knows she might have to put out just a little extra effort, I will be ok. At least, for the time being.
Very interesting...........I never found lasting too long to be a problem.............guess the question is How long is too long?
Randall Creed's Avatar
Guys have to remember to not keep the butt muscle clinched, or the muscle you use to keep from cumming. It can also be based on the sensivitity level of dick. If guys jack off a lot or too close to a session the sensitivity will almost be nonexistent (I used the jack off excuse with a girl I was seeing, when I was actually just fucking other girls. Lol. Yes, I felt guilty).
Meoauniaea's Avatar
I have this issue frequently and I hate it. Sometimes you just want to take your partner for a quick spin and it's not possible. Sometimes the girl thinks she did something wrong when this issue strikes. It also gets in my head during sex and can ruin the moment. Mine is most likely because of beating off too much. I guess my dong is used to a certain grip and friction level a woman's box simply can't match. However if a woman has great hands or mouth action, she'll get me to finish in no time. Sensuous Latina comes to does Carlisle.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar

At 63 years old... the erection is not the problem... Originally Posted by Jackie S
Consider yourself fortunate and be happy... my brain is the only part I got left that still functions like it used to...
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Consider yourself fortunate and be happy... my brain is the only part I got left that still functions like it used to... Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
er, ah, cough, cough.....the jury is still out on that one.
69bobby69's Avatar
The sounds send me over the edge. Screaming, moaning, sensual sounds, etc. are such a turn-on. Recently, my ATF said, "I love your dick!" Boom, it was over. One of the sexiest things I have ever heard. To each his own....
The words "Are you about to come?", "You need to hurry up, our time is almost up.", etc. seem to bring it on. Failure to adjust at all to some compatible rythym, faking pleasure, distracting talk/behavior, miscellaneous unnecessary distractions (telephones, knocks on the door, etc.) do as well. Failure to help create an atmosphere that results in some minimal level of trust. And so on. It's not all on the fucktard. I don't disagree with the article, but it fails to consider the problem holistically and can't begin to address the client/provider dynamic.
At an earlier point in my life I was taking Paxil for depression. While taking it I could never finish what I started, even after an hour of hard humping. Then after quitting Paxil I was back to normal - 7-10 minutes.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
er, ah, cough, cough.....the jury is still out on that one. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
Read carefully... I said it works as good as it ever did... kinda like saying "You've never looked better..."