Chalk a Sidewalk, Go to Jail

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We MUST regulate chalk! It is falling into the hands of children!



From the article:

"I draws what I like and I like what I drew!" sings Bert, the affable sidewalk artist in Disney's Mary Poppins. He doesn't know how easy he's got it. If Bert lived in one of a dozen American cities, his colorful chalk drawings of boats and circus animals could very well land him in jail.

Take the recent example of Susan Mortensen, 29-year-old mom in Richmond, Virginia. In March, Mortensen was arrested for allowing her four-year-old daughter to draw on rocks at a local park with sidewalk chalk. This month a judge sentenced her to 50 hours of community service helping to strip and repaint 200 boundary posts on a bridge. Mortensen told a local TV station that her daughter is now "very nervous around cops" and "very scared of chalk."

That's not all. One week ago in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, police cited two teenagers for decorating a street with chalk renditions of a whale and a sea turtle. The kids must now appear in court and pay a fine to be determined by a district judge. James Donnelly, Doylestown's police chief, told a local newspaper that the chalking was "an attempt at vandalism" that could lead to the use of more permanent materials.

Chalk. The gateway art supply.

There's more. These aren't the only culprits. Click here:
Rock Chalk Jayhawk go to jail..
Take the recent example of Susan Mortensen, 29-year-old mom in Richmond, Virginia. In March, Mortensen was arrested for allowing her four-year-old daughter to draw on rocks at a local park with sidewalk chalk. This month a judge sentenced her to 50 hours of community service helping to strip and repaint 200 boundary posts on a bridge. Mortensen told a local TV station that her daughter is now "very nervous around cops" and "very scared of chalk." Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Scared of chalk? Good deal! I say "Get them while they are young". She won't grow up to use spray paint!

Want to draw pictures on concrete? Do it in your own driveway. Teach your kid not to deface public property, even if it is temporary and washes off.
LexusLover's Avatar
Teach you kid not to deface public property, even if it is temporary and washes off. Originally Posted by ExNYer

I have been under the impression that COG was interested in downsizing Government and thereby REDUCING TAXES ... apparently I was wrong ...

COG not every body likes the benefits of their tax dollars to be everyone's chalk board, painting palette, or Big Chief tablet ...

.. you probably haven't heard this saying ...

.. "One child's masterpiece is another's STAIN"

If you teach your child it's ok to deface public infrastructure, then the taxpayers are going to have to pay someone WHO IS HIRED BY THE GOVERNMENT to clean up the defacing your child produces ... since you are responsible for your child ... then you should pay for the clean up/replacement/protection ... from your little urchin.

"Freedom of the Press" doesn't protect VANDALISM... any more than "Freedom of Speech" protects "yelling FIRE " in a theater ... unless, of course, it's a firing squad command for all concealed carriers to shoot the asshole who is disrupting the movie with this assault weapon! Then it's excusable.
JCM800's Avatar
chalk crimes.... the decline of the western civilization.
LexusLover's Avatar
chalk crimes.... the decline of the western civilization. Originally Posted by JCM800
bojulay's Avatar
Don't ya'll know that chalk can lead to the use of harder drugs.

Some kid eating a little chalk today and tomorrow they're downing Bennies.

What a wonderful public service intervention by the law.
LexusLover's Avatar
Don't ya'll know that chalk can lead to the use of harder drugs. Originally Posted by bojulay
... and a topic that should probably be avoided on here.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
It all starts somewhere, right?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Scared of chalk? Good deal! I say "Get them while they are young". She won't grow up to use spray paint!

Want to draw pictures on concrete? Do it in your own driveway. Teach your kid not to deface public property, even if it is temporary and washes off. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Good point.

I have been under the impression that COG was interested in downsizing Government and thereby REDUCING TAXES ... apparently I was wrong ...

COG not every body likes the benefits of their tax dollars to be everyone's chalk board, painting palette, or Big Chief tablet ...

.. you probably haven't heard this saying ...

.. "One child's masterpiece is another's STAIN"

If you teach your child it's ok to deface public infrastructure, then the taxpayers are going to have to pay someone WHO IS HIRED BY THE GOVERNMENT to clean up the defacing your child produces ... since you are responsible for your child ... then you should pay for the clean up/replacement/protection ... from your little urchin.

"Freedom of the Press" doesn't protect VANDALISM... any more than "Freedom of Speech" protects "yelling FIRE " in a theater ... unless, of course, it's a firing squad command for all concealed carriers to shoot the asshole who is disrupting the movie with this assault weapon! Then it's excusable. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Better point.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I had to laugh out loud when I read your responses. Of course, I have a sort of macabre sense of humor, because it really isn't funny.

I mean, we have a child, perhaps drawing hopscotch on a sidewalk, maybe a sun and flower, and her mom gets arrested and sentenced to community service. For what? Contributing to the happiness of a child? For promoting normal childhood activities?

Vandalism? A kid's chalk on the sidewalk is vandalism? The government is justified in prosecuting the mother? ARE YOU PEOPLE FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?

By the way, ever hear of RAIN?

Even the ultra liberals at Mother Jones magazine see this for what it is. And they also show who YOU are. You are not liberals, you are statists. Whatever the government wants or demands is right in your eyes, no matter how ridiculous. (Except for that one law, which is the subject of every other forum on here. My how we rationalize!)

You people are the perfect robotic, obedient citizens necessary to perform the routine tasks incumbent in a police state. All Hail our Dear Leader and Government! Protect Us From Evil, for Government is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, Forever! Amen!

Welcome to Amerika.
Go chalk your stick.
I had to laugh out loud when I read your responses. Of course, I have a sort of macabre sense of humor, because it really isn't funny.

I mean, we have a child, perhaps drawing hopscotch on a sidewalk, maybe a sun and flower, and her mom gets arrested and sentenced to community service. For what? Contributing to the happiness of a child? For promoting normal childhood activities?

Vandalism? A kid's chalk on the sidewalk is vandalism? The government is justified in prosecuting the mother? ARE YOU PEOPLE FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?

By the way, ever hear of RAIN?

Even the ultra liberals at Mother Jones magazine see this for what it is. And they also show who YOU are. You are not liberals, you are statists. Whatever the government wants or demands is right in your eyes, no matter how ridiculous. (Except for that one law, which is the subject of every other forum on here. My how we rationalize!)

You people are the perfect robotic, obedient citizens necessary to perform the routine tasks incumbent in a police state. All Hail our Dear Leader and Government! Protect Us From Evil, for Government is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, Forever! Amen!

Welcome to Amerika. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG ima come and draw a Jayhawk on your sidewalk. Then you be wanting to TAX
LexusLover's Avatar
Whatever the government wants or demands is right in your eyes, no matter how ridiculous. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You pretend like "the people" and "the government" are two distinct entities.

If I as a taxpayer do not want your child drawing on THE PUBLIC property, because THE PEOPLE have to clean up your child's mess, not to mention THE PEOPLE didn't want drawings (of any kind) on it in the first place (OR THEY WOULD BE INSTALLED WITH DRAWINGS), the THE PEOPLE can ask YOU TO REGULATE YOUR OWN CHILD'S BEHAVIOR and IF you can't THE PEOPLE will request OUR GOVERNMENT to step in and REGULATE YOU.

If you want your kid to play "hop-scotch" or develop art skills ... then do it on YOUR OWN PROPERTY and leave OURS alone. If that concept is so difficult for you to understand, then may be a few months or years sitting in a noisy cell might help you figure it out ... MIGHT ... is the operatie word.

Oh, and it doesn't matter if its "sunflowers" or swastikas ... its "vandalism" aka "criminal mischief"

"CRIMINAL MISCHIEF. (a) A person commits an
offense if, without the effective consent of the owner:
(3) he intentionally or knowingly makes markings,
including inscriptions, slogans, drawings, or paintings, on the
tangible property of the owner."

"The GOVERNMENT" didn't "demand" little urchins to NOT CRAP UP THE INFRASTRUCTURE ... it was the DULY ELECTED representatives OF THE PEOPLE who crafted and voted into the existence THE LAWS to assure that little mischievious urchins and their lazy assed parents are PROHIBITED from crapping up the rest of the country with their SELFISH, SELF-CENTERED, SCREWED UP DISREGARD for the desires of the majority of the rest who pay their hard earned taxes to the GOVERNMENT and they don't want it wasted on such little misguided urchin whose parents are incapable or unwilling to regulate their behavior.

You want less GOVERNMENT INTRUSION .. then minimize your "foot print" on society.
JCM800's Avatar
Oh, and it doesn't matter if its "sunflowers" or swastikas ... its "vandalism" aka "criminal mischief" Originally Posted by LexusLover
maybe they should just stone those evil chalk kids ........ and btw i'm yet to see a skinhead use chalk for anything.