Rule #30 / Guideline #30 What is it's true purpose?

Whispers's Avatar
In the San Antonio Forums over the last week a battle has been waged by CK1942 and members of the community to try to announce as well as talk about the Hallow Ween Party that they were having..

In the fallout a lot of threads started by a number of members were locked.

Nothing new has been going on that has not been going on for years......

I would like to see a discussion of just what the intent of the rule is because it has been used to close some threads not remotely intended by the owners In My Opinion.....

One was a thread started by a Provider that mentioned a party at a bar that she was going to and said others not doing anything should come by.

The rule is getting interpreted by some in such a fashion that mentioning you are going to a movie... to a coffee shop.... a concert......... etc.... could result in your thread being locked with a "Violation of Rule #30"

Some Mods are much faster on the trigger than others.....

Here is the Guideline.......

#30 - ECCIE does not, in any way, sponsor or represent social events, meet and greets, or similar activities. On occasion, events may be announced here by our members, however, ECCIE is not associated with or responsible for such events. We are not involved with any related aspects, such as guest selection, screening, or hosting. Should members of our volunteer staff choose to participate in such an event, it should be understood that their personal involvement is of their own choice and responsibility, and in no way connected to their duties here on staff. If you are the host of one of these events, we will allow for ONE "announcement" post to inform the membership, which will be immediately locked to prevent further public discussions regarding the event.

Here is MY interpretation and please weigh in.... Maybe the Owners Admins will as well because there is a crapload of threads that could be locked by the overzealous enforcement of the "rule"/guideline.....

#30 - ECCIE does not, in any way, sponsor or represent social events, meet and greets, or similar activities.

Pretty Simple here.... ECCIE as an entity does not want to be thought of as the Sponsor.... This is no different than if I post something to the school blog where by 5yo stepson goes to school... It is a pretty typical disclaimer.

On occasion, events may be announced here by our members, however, ECCIE is not associated with or responsible for such events.

Ok... They restate exactly what the first sentence is about... They go on to tell us as members that ECCIE is in no way responsible for anything that happens at these events....

We are not involved with any related aspects, such as guest selection, screening, or hosting.

Additional clarification that should you or I attend an event that the people around us at the event are there through some process that ECCIE was not a part of..... Don't think for a moment that the person you are talking to is safe simply because he is a member....

Should members of our volunteer staff choose to participate in such an event, it should be understood that their personal involvement is of their own choice and responsibility, and in no way connected to their duties here on staff.

I read this as a subtle warning to staff.... local Mods.... that it's OK to go but do not lend their name to the event or let it be implied anywhere that ECCIE as an entity is attending the event as a result of their presence....

If you are the host of one of these events, we will allow for ONE "announcement" post to inform the membership, which will be immediately locked to prevent further public discussions regarding the event.

Here is the meat of the rule/guideline....

Who does it apply to? THE HOST OF ONE OF THE EVENTS.......As a Host of an event here in Austin I am allowed to make a post announcing it and that post is then to be locked to prevent further public discussion of the event.....

There is NO guidance from the Owners/Admin TO the community as to whether anyone else that is NOT the Host of an event is allowed to talk about anything or not...

Should a Provider that is going to a party have her thread locked because she asks another lady what she is wearing TO the party? It's happening....

Is the Spirit of the Guideline to shut down parties?

I don't think so... I have met Admins as well as the owners of this board at mine and I know they have attended others.....

I think the Owners and Admins try to let the membership and the communities police themselves on this matter looking simply to distance the ECCIE name from the events themselves.....

The same way my church newsletter distances themselves from my garage sale when I buy an ad in their newsletter.

I think the rule is being taken to extremes by some with agendas........ I did that myself this last week as I watched Mokoa close thread after thread in the San Antonio Forums and saw the membership openly defy him with thread after new thread being opened......

It got to the point where a Provider mentioning a Toga Party at a San Antonio Bar had her thread locked...It was not remotely an event being promoted.. She was not the host and ther was no discussion of what was going on there..... Other threads having nothing to do with the party were locked when members asked each other of they were going..... How many Strip club forums have an announcement by a member that he is going to the club, does anyone want to join him.... or a discussion about some great promotion a club is running....

General conversation about an event is NOT necessarily promotion of the event.....

IMO opinion the intent is to prevent people from running events and promoting them non stop up to the day of the event creating a bit too much exposure and blurring the lines as to what is promoted by ECCIE vs what is promoted by us......

Maybe I am wrong......

But the same fervor that is being put into this issue can be easily applied to other guidelines........ especially in regards to what constitutes an ad.... and all those ads disguised as Sig lines that all the ladies use...... Reading through the guidelines here there are other areas where, taken to extremes..... a lot could change.....

Personally I think this whole mess is personal..... I think there is a group of people, upset, bitter, what not, that have an issue with CK and created an Agenda to pursue this and now others are caught up in the crossfire....

A lot can be done to create strife and turmoil on the board in the spirit of "Guidelines"....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
As I have been part of planning of a few M&G's in Upset NY here is what I have done.
Go mod shopping for a mod before you post, and get it lock fast. As in you post and the mod is waiting to lock it.
When thing go haywire, and they will it seems in Upset NY. As males can not read instructions, go admin/mod shopping to get it removed.

Then try too have a provider put in a ad, and at the same time with a PM to you that you can order removed by your say so. So when the mother fuckers still can't read to PM me and then blow up her hobby phone askin about it. You or her can ask ta remove the ad. PM, its not needed till later. Easy for a male too get a male mod or admin to kill a ad with your handle in it about a M&G LOL. The PM is really for the if any local female mod. Seems they will go after anyone for taking down a provider AD without askin her in a area she in or watching.

As ta posting going to a party or bar come if you can. I keep that to day of in other threads or threADs in one only post. In the the post say logging off right now hope ta see ya later. That keeps it from becoming M&G BS days and weeks of posting askin about it. errrrr And the crying why not on another day so I can go.

Now I am not a mod lover. But I think the mods in the areas of Texas that have lots of M&G's are not closing threads as soon as they should using guideline #30.

sorry just my opinion that #30 is fine as is. And should be used more and faster.

ok lets sell some popcorn
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Another way, and the best in MHO is no one post thread or in a provider ad.

do it all in PM.
no thread
no one post thread
or hooker ad
all in PM = no mess or problems. But is more work
offshoredrilling's Avatar
btw errrr logging off ta take a hoo errrr provider to a strip club
Cpalmson's Avatar
Personally, I think the intent of the Guideline is to allow for the ADVERTISING of an event without having to have a provider place an ad. I think that is why the post is suppose to be locked. I think who ever places the announcement of an event should make clear all the details of the event with the caveat to forward questions to the host of the event or the person posting the announcement. I also think that it would be appropriate for that event to be made a sticky up until the event starts. That way, people don't have to scroll through looking for the info. In all honesty, the host/organizer of the event should be organized. Once the announcement is out there, people should be working via PMs or other means. There shouldn't be multiple threads regarding the event-- one event; one thread. If people can't follow directions in the one announcement, they should not be allowed to post another thread with a question about the event.
Personally, I think the intent of the Guideline is to allow for the ADVERTISING of an event without having to have a provider place an ad. I think that is why the post is suppose to be locked. I think who ever places the announcement of an event should make clear all the details of the event with the caveat to forward questions to the host of the event or the person posting the announcement. I also think that it would be appropriate for that event to be made a sticky up until the event starts. That way, people don't have to scroll through looking for the info. In all honesty, the host/organizer of the event should be organized. Once the announcement is out there, people should be working via PMs or other means. There shouldn't be multiple threads regarding the event-- one event; one thread. If people can't follow directions in the one announcement, they should not be allowed to post another thread with a question about the event. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Many of these events are organized by male members, not providers, so I don't think provider advertising has anything to do with it.

Other than the "ECCIE is not involved" disclaimer, I do not see what purpose is served by the rule. Until very recently, that rule has not been enforced at all in the Austin forums for the three years that I've been a member here, and I don't recall a single problem resulting from that lack of enforcement. Enforcement only began recently after a (non-local) member made a big stink about it.

I don't attend any of the events, so I don't really have a dog in the fight, and I don't watch the San Antonio forums so don't know what has been going on down there. But I do think that the announcement and discussion of these events does reinforce the sense of community on the board, even for those - like me - that don't attend.

Presumably, the rule is meant to protect ECCIE in some fashion, perhaps from some legal liability if something goes down at the event itself - but then, if that were the intent, announcements of the events shouldn't be allowed either.
Wakeup's Avatar
It doesn't matter what the true purpose is...

The guideline says "events", that can apply to anything. It says host, that means the host. If the host of any event starts a thread about it, it gets locked after one post.

Period. End of story. No discussion. Guys trying to find ways around the guideline are idiots. You do that often enough and they'll stick it up your ass and take away anyone's ability to mention any I think they already should.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
It doesn't matter what the true purpose is...

The guideline says "events", that can apply to anything. It says host, that means the host. If the host of any event starts a thread about it, it gets locked after one post.

Period. End of story. No discussion. Guys trying to find ways around the guideline are idiots. You do that often enough and they'll stick it up your ass and take away anyone's ability to mention any I think they already should. Originally Posted by Wakeuр

I never had a problem following guide line #30

only hobbyist that can't read
I am hard too read at times
but what the fuck is hard about "pm osd for details"
This is there fore legal purposes. More or less, they're disclaiming responsibility for an event planned here that goes bad. The end of the rule just gives some practical guide lines if a meet and greet is going to be advertised.

It's quite reasonable as is.