P411 Verification Questions

Hi Everyone i am new to the forum and this would be my first post. I wanted to make sure i started off on the right foot with this. This is my first time really going through with something like this and i am already a little worried about a certain part of the process... I would like a little more information from those that registered at sites like p411 to find out more about the screening. I am currently self employed. I am a day trader and have been doing this for about 13 + years now. What proof of employment must i show for some of these places asking for such information? I am a little reluctant to turn over my stock portfolio and such things considering that this is sensitive information. I am a little further reluctant to give the phone number to my brokerage firm considering with my years of experience i have provided consultant work for some important people there. Part of me would be mortified if anyone found out at the firm. Another part makes me wonder how many employees are already registered here lol. If its for the purpose to see if i have a criminal record or anything like that i am not worried, completely understand and am 100% for it. I would like the wonderful women that i meet to be at ease and know they are with a gentleman. But why employment information and will the line of work that i am in be a hurdle for me. I would just like a little more information on the screening part and if this is something that i might have to consider before taking the next step forward.

Thank you so much in advance and do apologize if this has been mention in another thred some where that i may have missed. By the way great information clouddancer and thank you for your post. =)
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I have moved your post over here in a new thread. Even though this question get brought up frequently here and around the board, it a good topic so we will give it some attention here.

I'm sure Gina will be along to comment and put you more at ease.
Well, you probably should have just asked the people at P411 to begin with.

I will tell you this, however "important" your clients might be, or how nice your "stock portfolio" is, everbody gets screened. Bragging about assets on a hooker board does not get you out of it. If you are that concerned get a sugar baby or something.
Sorry i didn't mean to come off like i was bragging, just concerned. I guess your right, I was going to start with p411 but live chat wasn't up at 2 am. So i decided to post here first. My mistake. Thank you tho for your help all will go ahead and see where this goes.
Wicket's Avatar
Here's how those verification goes. You must supply your full name, place of employment, and a phone number. First, P411 will verify that your place of employment actually exists. Next, they will call the swithcboard and ask for you by name. They want the switchboard operator to put them through to you and you have to answer. If the operator asks who is calling they will supply a name and a fictiicious company name. They won't ask about any of your clients, your stock holdings, etc. Believe, it is in P411's best interest not to identify themselves as a hobby site or to out you to your company. If P411 was to out you, it would be very bad for their business. They just wouldn't do it. Gina is much to good a businesswoman to not run aboard business.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
P411 is definitely the way to go and being that they are in Canada vs the states makes it even safer.
Clients that have P411 seem to get priority (in most cases I hear) It says you care enough about your safety (and ours) by going the extra mile IMO.

Welcome and have fun!!

Sorry i didn't mean to come off like i was bragging, just concerned. I guess your right, I was going to start with p411 but live chat wasn't up at 2 am. So i decided to post here first. My mistake. Thank you tho for your help all will go ahead and see where this goes. Originally Posted by timelapse

P411 I believe is based on Toronto so whomever is there on LiveChat is always there early in the morning and afternoon. I'm on the West Coast so when I can't sleep LOL and I sign on at say, 4am, she's usually there.I absolutely LOVE P411 and have gotten much bsuiness off there. The chat person is very helpful, and I would recommend chatting with her for any questions. Also, P411 makes it just not safe for us, but for clients as well. I really like it. And I think you will too.
Timelapse don't worry about your info with P411. If you will contact them from their website they will work with you on getting verified if you are who you say you are. There is more than one way to get verified. I had problems getting verified at first because of the way my work schedule is but they worked with me and it has all been good since. I just renewed my membership and have been having the time of my life. Talk to P411, they are nice and can be of great assistance. Just my 2 cents worth.
gashpump's Avatar
Well, you probably should have just asked the people at P411 to begin with.

I will tell you this, however "important" your clients might be, or how nice your "stock portfolio" is, everbody gets screened. Bragging about assets on a hooker board does not get you out of it. If you are that concerned get a sugar baby or something. Originally Posted by SillyGirl
Silly Girl,

Looked at your showcase and boy, you are red hot!

However, I think your were a little rough on the OP. I didn't read into his post any bragging about the amount of his assets. It appeared to me that, just like any other private information, he prefers to keep details between his broker and himself. I'd wager that even if you have only 50 bucks in your account, you'd not want to advertise that fact to strangers, or where it is located. Especially a company that may record your account numbers. And, I don't believe he was trying to "get out of" being screened.

Maybe you just read it a different way.

thank you Gashpump and everyone that replied. This has put my mind to easy. I really appreciate everyone's time in replying back to a newbie. Looks like i am going to go through with P411 and see how everything goes. And again i am sorry if i may have appeared arrogant or egotistical in anyway. Please note that was not my intentions at all. I may have worded myself incorrectly and am sorry if i offended anyone. Thank you again =)
Its been about a year since I registered with P411, so I don't remember all of the details, but I don't recall them doing an employment verification. However, I was "invited" to P411 by a provider so that may have circumvented some of the process, as well as getting me free membership for a few months. But I'll concur with all of those that say that you can rest easy with P411. They are very professional, are highly regarded by almost every provider and hobbyist I know, and IMO the membership is well worth the cost and whatever screening is required.
Wicket's Avatar
P411 has 2 ways to verified. First, is the employment verification method. The second way is by provider references.
Where do you sign up for P411
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Wow, bumping a 2 year old thread instead of googling "p411"? Nicely done.