How the Smartphone Changed the Hobby World

First off, Happy New Year to all!

Being that we live in a "I want this now" society, and the smartphone surely fits in, I have some questions and observations.

I wanted to address our latest addition to our world of hobbying and how it's changed both the hobbyist and provider pool. We all know in the (late) 90's how the internet completely changed the provider/hobbyist world forever. Advertising took on an entirely different format, and finding providers suddenly became a mere click away in the comfort of ones homes.

The problem with these smart phones is how any girl (at any age) with a smart phone who doesn't want to work at Wal-Mart/give the real world a shot ( seems like young girls first job after high school is what she thinks is "escorting") but wants to escort. This dilutes the pool of legitimate, quality providers who actually understand what escorting entails(TCB skills, marketing, etiquette, and positive attitude, and skill). Now, there is more of a necessity to sieve through to find actual providers - and not just a chick with a phone, and an idea to get paid for what she (think she does well) does anyways. We all know the saying " I may be young, but I'm ready". No, you have a hot pussy, but you're so not run a business, that is.

Also, now there are more toads trolling the boards and escort sites at the tap of the phone, so we as providers also have to sift through some extraneous matters to filter in actual hobbyists serious about dates - not mere conversationalists and what I like to call the "visual nut chaser" hobbyist satisfied with just pictures.

...on the positive side, smart phones facilitate the spreading of information like reviews, pictures, contact info etc readily, and not to mention a bit more privately than on the family computer/notebook. No need to scatter to minimize the site window or delete history or cookies so wifey doesn't see, no need to find a private area when on your laptop when on business trips when you want companionship from a local hottie.

There are both pros, more ho's, and cons (hehehe) since the smart phone. It's bitter sweet. What significant changes have you noticed since the inception of the smartphone? Has it made the hobby better/easier? Is the filtering on both sides worth it in the end?

This ought to be a very interesting read - discuss!
  • Rehke
  • 01-07-2014, 03:48 PM
I hadn't thought about many of the points you bring up. But it makes sense. I know many girls these days are running things off a smartphone entirely and mange reasonably well without a computer.

From a hobbyist perspective it does make things easier. No longer do I have to go home and get on a computer. I don't have to worry if I don't have my laptop handy. A smartphone or tablet makes dealing with a NCNS or late cancellation a LOT easier.

Also, the ability to block annoying callers right away has proven useful a time or two.
I only started hobbying last year so I have never hobbied without a smart phone. The biggest thing to me is that I can scan Eccie and P411 and even participate on Eccie within reasonable proximity to my SO. I can't do that with a computer.
I think it's increased safety for all parties. It also has greatly cut down on NCNS because of last minute accessibility.

While it's easier to be discrete on a smartphone, it also creates an electronic record that's hard to hide.
I hadn't thought about many of the points you bring up. But it makes sense. I know many girls these days are running things off a smartphone entirely and mange reasonably well without a computer.

From a hobbyist perspective it does make things easier. No longer do I have to go home and get on a computer. I don't have to worry if I don't have my laptop handy. A smartphone or tablet makes dealing with a NCNS or late cancellation a LOT easier.

Also, the ability to block annoying callers right away has proven useful a time or two. Originally Posted by Rehke
Thanks for the input guys and Ms.Lily. I definitely love the fact of how I'm able to place a block if needed. ... lucky to not have to use it yet.
*lilminx , my apologies...(blames it on the smart phone)
Here's a way the smartphone could change your hobby experience that you may not like, depending upon how savvy your client or provider is........
Here's a way the smartphone could change your hobby experience that you may not like, depending upon how savvy your client or provider is........ Originally Posted by PFCffff
No surprise in this Big Brother society we live in...good thing this is all FANTASY !
My smart phone was my world headquarters so to speak. Where ever my phone was that was where the admin and customer service sides of my business was.
My smart phone was my world headquarters so to speak. Where ever my phone was that was where the admin and customer service sides of my business was. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Thanks Olivia. This is true for many providers - at least for me.
jframe2's Avatar
There are also HUGE problems with the false sense of security and or lack of understanding about the related exposures from using a smart phone.

- Call detail records; phone number retention for incoming/outgoing text messages; brower history retention; clipboard retention.

People seem to forget that these are just smaller versions of their desktop/laptop computer and should be treated to the same level of security protection as it relates to the hobby.

And don't get me started on all the Apps that seem to fit in this world of ours. Read the details on these Apps to see if there is any record left on your Call Detail Record and other risks.

I am a very UTR hobbiest, but on the recent times I have reached out to find a new playmate, one of the things I ask them is if they use a smart-phone for the hobby. Add this to my checklist of Pros/Cons. If the answer is "Yes", I add it on the Con side.

And on an end note- it seems like this is an age-thing. Those approx 35 and over understand the weaknesses of a smartphone and act accordingly. Those under 35 seem to have little or no clue to the exposures of a smart-phone.

Just my .02$ worth.
pickupkid's Avatar
they can track who you called, time ...gps..they got your number
Prepaid phone paid with cash with no record of my name on the purchase. Refills also paid with cash. Am considering phone replacement annually.

Shout out to my buddy Olivia!
john_deere's Avatar
I am a very UTR hobbiest, but on the recent times I have reached out to find a new playmate, one of the things I ask them is if they use a smart-phone for the hobby. Add this to my checklist of Pros/Cons. If the answer is "Yes", I add it on the Con side. Originally Posted by jframe2
Prepaid phone paid with cash with no record of my name on the purchase. Refills also paid with cash. Am considering phone replacement annually.

Shout out to my buddy Olivia! Originally Posted by Zhivago52
+1 pre-pay all day all the way! And they've got some advanced once out there as well.