When are reviews attached to provider?

Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 02-17-2014, 06:55 PM
When do reviews get attached to a providers profile. Read somewhere a mod mentioned that if name was correct it was attached instantly but that does not seem to be the case.
The reviews go through a manual process for approval and assignment and are usually done within 3 or 4 days of the posting. It is a tremendous help if the lady's name is in the title of the review as this allows us to locate the proper account to assign it to as well as lessens the chance of it being assigned incorrectly.
Torito's Avatar
No, it is absolutely not attached instantly. Assigning reviews is a manual process done by staff.

If the reviewer correctly posts the exact ECCIE handle of the provider in the title, that speeds the process and drastically reduces errors.

Giving a link to the provider's profile in the review is wonderful to make things work well.

When the title does not include the name, the staff member must read through the entire review for info and try his best to correctly assign the review. He uses his best judgment, and mistakes happen.

If the name is give, but not correctly, it may well be mis-assigned. That is because there are many provider handles that vary by only one letter, one space, one underline, etc. Remember, computers do not forgive errors. GIGO

Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 02-17-2014, 07:54 PM
Thanks Mister Mods. Wondered how that magic happened.
Torito's Avatar
No magic. Just a lot of effort.

gman44's Avatar
No magic. Just a lot of effort.

Torito Originally Posted by Torito

speak for yourself LOL

apparently there's alot of magic about what I do
Torito's Avatar
And Gman provides most of the magic and effort on assignments.
