Windows 8.1

Samcro84's Avatar
Has anyone had any issues with win 8.1 on a tablet or laptop in ECCIE.
OldGrump's Avatar
It has been the worst desktop OS I've ever used and I started with DOS 1.0.

Get it off like a sticky booger. It will not run most of your old software requiring a bank line of credit to update everything. It's file handling is so inefficient, you'll have to add 25% to your workforce because of inefficiencies, and it can't find apps to run programs trying to sell you crap through their store.

I'm changing back to Win 7 and will stay there until it is no longer supported. Then I'll move to Linux.

Now if you are of the mind that any problem can be solved by reformat/reinstall, be my guest. You don't know how to use computers - just set them up.

Make like the Gingerbread Man and run run run as fast as you can - away from that POS.
Samcro84's Avatar
My first OS was on mini's in the 70's. Yea know dos 1, win 3.1 and everything forward. But I have a win 8 tablet so win 7 is not an option.

So will wait it out and only do ECCIE and other websites on my win 7 laptop.

Thanks for info.

PS agree with Linux option, but I deal with a lot of speciality stuff that has no option of Linux. Does it have a Windows compatibility mode?
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 03-02-2014, 12:14 AM
PS agree with Linux option, but I deal with a lot of speciality stuff that has no option of Linux. Does it have a Windows compatibility mode? Originally Posted by travelerman
You could run Windows within VMWare on your Linux system.
Actually I am.

I just got my new Windows 8 laptop, and I primarily use Firefox for my browser. When I updated to 8.1, ECCIE times out in Firefox, but not in IE.

I thought it was just me!

I'm actually not a fan of the Apps thing. I have a tablet if I want to use Apps. I just go to the desktop and use everything online.
OldGrump's Avatar
Actually, I just hate Win 8.1 but it runs Firefox fine on my desktop - even ECCIE which I access in Private Browsing mode.

Perhaps a Firefox add-in is out of date or causing problems? Also, you may want to check the Win 8.1 security settings.They are much more paranoid than Win 7.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Eccie works great on my new laptop with Windows 8.1. On Chrome.
I just got ECCIE back on Firefox today.... and I didn't have to do anything.