Shame on the Democratic 'stolen election' conspiracy theorists

  • oeb11
  • 10-22-2021, 03:27 AM

© Provided by Washington Examiner So why are some people so eager to legitimize and even praise kooky Democratic election conspiracy theorists?

This week, Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic nominee for governor of Virginia, welcomed the worst of his party’s crazed election conspiracy theorists to campaign with him. Stacy Abrams, the losing 2018 nominee for Georgia governor, repeated her own inexcusable and provably false conspiracy theory. Even though she lost her 2018 gubernatorial election by 55,000 votes, she maintains to this day that she actually won.
The invitation to Abrams is in itself worthy of criticism. But it is even worse because McAuliffe criticizes his Republican opponent, Glenn Youngkin, for failing to push back sufficiently hard against Trump’s equally harmful election lies. This makes McAuliffe’s behavior not just inconsistent, but hypocritical as well.
Abrams’ conspiracy theory is based on a series of completely debunked claims about things that supposedly happened on Election Day 2018 to suppress the Democratic vote in Georgia. Also among her complaints are allegations that her opponent was behind the consolidation of polling places in certain Democratic counties. In reality, local officials from her own party were entirely to blame for this, and she knows it.
Yet she is not ostracized for undermining the foundations of American democracy. Somehow, Abrams gets a pass despite being an even sorer loser than Trump, who lost her state by quite a bit less but is still at fault for failing to admit it.
McAuliffe, for his part, still maintains to this day that George W. Bush lost the 2000 election. At least that one was actually close — unlike the election that Abrams clearly lost. Yet Bush’s razor-thin win in Florida was validated not only by the Bush v. Gore Supreme Court decision but also by a subsequent exhaustive examination of the ballots by a consortium of news organizations. The New York Times, reporting on this review of the ballots that would have been recounted, declared afterward that the Supreme Court justices had “not cast the deciding vote” in determining Florida’s electoral votes. The consortium found that there was no way of counting the ballots in accordance with Florida law that could have made Al Gore the winner.
So yes, it’s been 20 years, but Bush still won. The work has been done to validate that victory. It’s a kooky conspiracy theory to say otherwise.
Yet Democrats never got over that election. They also never got over the 2016 election, even though none of the states’ results were terribly close. Hillary Clinton, who clearly lost, has been the nation’s leading election conspiracy theorist ever since. Despite losing the presidential election to Trump through her own incompetence as a candidate, she has since deemed him an “illegitimate president.” Before the election, this hypocrite had berated Trump for refusing to commit to conceding if he lost.
It’s hard enough to live with a crybaby. No one should ever have to be ruled by one. Democrats who cast doubt upon the legitimacy of the democratic process are every bit as bad as Trump and as others who indulge his 2020 election conspiracy theories.
McAuliffe, Abrams, and Clinton should be shunned. Their party comrades should be ashamed to associate with people who actively seek to undermine democracy.

DPST nomenklatura Lie - it is what they do.
Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!