
Anyone know of a good site to compare "regular' M/s against Gorean? I have never really played with Goreans. I know it is based on the series (which I've not read).

Something that breaks 'the style' down? Maybe compares, rest (wait), attention, present to closest Gorean? i know the Gorean positions are more stylized.

Someone emailed asking to serve as kajirus. Probably won't take the scene. I don't have the time to learn it well enough.

Anyone here have practiced Gorean knowledge?
That was really quick PPE.
MasterTrucker's Avatar
I would suggest Fetlife.com there are more than a few discussion boards on that site that you could benefit from on that subject.
PPE can deliver the goods, LOL!

Happy to Help, and Fetlife is a good resource.

Will look more, and really interested in hearing more on this.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Had a boyfriend who had the full series and read them all in the early 80's. It was hot stuff for a 20 something year old horny girl. I have several of the books, now, that I got off of Ebay in the fall. Although being a "slave girl" of Gor might be fun, it seems rather silly to base a sincere lifestyle from a series of novels of a professor who was obviously a misogynist.

Even in learned circles, it's not considered science fiction. It's sortof a stand alone type of genre, I believe. But that may have changed in the last twenty years.

But that is obviously from a reader's perspective (mine) and nothing more. Plus, I apologize in advance for my tone. I'm in an obvious mood this morning to be critical of something that I also find interesting on some level.

Good luck with it, Babee. For whatever reason, I think that you would make a quite fetching slave girl!

rakuguy's Avatar
I have never really played with Goreans. Originally Posted by babee
I've played with Koreans but not Goreans.
Happy Diver's Avatar
I think calling John Lange (writing under the pen name John Norman for the Gor novels) a misogynist is a bit extreme. Women enslave men quite often in the Gor novels. The point of view of the novels is that women enjoy being enslaved and that is the natural order of things. There is a fair amount of romance in the novels as well. I used to have all of them and while a bit repetitious, they were quite entertaining. His nonfiction sex books do not espouse any actually enslavement of women.
lmao. EW, I don't think so! Spent quite a few hours researching. I remember I tried to read the first book - did not get very far.

Got into a chat room and after introducing myself, figuring out that Google translator does not work with Gorean, being soundly chastised for a)referring to myself in first as opposed to third person; b)not referring to everyone else as master; c) not knowing the proper salutations (damn Google) and a few more minor infractions I have had to respectfully decline this request.

This is more a Dungeons and Dragons M/s kind of dealio, and I don't have the time to prepare appropriately. Or the inclination.