Unlike the old hags of the 60's generation of female politicians the Democrats have like Hilary and Warren, who are all loud, insecure, angry scolds...
Tulsi is poised and confident. She used to be in the Army and is anti-War and wants America to shrink it's militaristic footprint abroad.
When she puts on her military uniform though I almost cream. This girl is sooo fucking hot. Her hair and her face are flawless. I just wanna see her naked, even if it's one of those fake pics of celebrities where her face is pasted onto some porn model's body; I don't care.
So at last I've found someone in my own party who ranks with the common figures of it's past whom I could support like Gary Hart or Paul Tsongas or even Dale Bumpers (I always liked Dale Bumpers).
And additionally she's gorgeous the way all females of any merit were created to be.