Sick of no sho ho's

I mean really? Why do these girls take all the time to make arrangements to set up a visit and then not show and not even reply. It is so stupid. I note those to never call again.
j912x2's Avatar
, also ghost you , and be 1/2hr late or more.
I guess they dont realize that we have limits
CatMan4u's Avatar
Those ho"s simply don't care
raven winters's Avatar
Some of us are actually punctual and reliable. Maybe you're just looking in the wrong place. Do your research!!!! There are tons of well reviewed providers to choose from .
CatMan4u's Avatar
Some of us are actually punctual and reliable. Maybe you're just looking in the wrong place. Do your research!!!! There are tons of well reviewed providers to choose from . Originally Posted by raven winters
Yes she is
I had a couple this past week promise a time and then have to extend the start time 4 times. I finally told them I was moving on...30-45 minutes later, they were blowing me up because I wasn't answering and now they wasted all this time and effort. The quality of providers available between 5:00PM and 9:00PM is terrible in LR.
j912x2's Avatar
Lots of that in nwa too
CatMan4u's Avatar
It's very simple if you don't want to meet don't make a appt
And if something comes up just call
we all know real life shit happens I have never never ncns and have only cancelled three times in sic years and never ever late
Ohitsthatguy's Avatar
A provider doesn’t like it when the client no shows them. If they schedule a time and client doesn’t show it’s wasted time for them and money as could have taken another appointment. Even seen some say no shows have to pay deposit for future visit.

It’s the same for us clients. Our time is important too. If we scheduled a time, it might be because it’s what our schedules allow. Maybe clients need to put the reverse in place, no show us and we demand a discount on next visit? Or like mentioned above, move on speak with our wallets