WTF happened?

TryWeakly's Avatar
The illustrious, yet still butthurt, Hillary chose to title her new user guide as, "What Happened."

I think she should re-title it to "WTF happened?"
LexusLover's Avatar
That should be the shortest book ever written. One three letter word!


BTW is it plagiarism to name one's book after another loser?
TryWeakly's Avatar
Maybe "Like moths to a flame..." would be perhaps more fitting.
The illustrious, yet still butthurt, Hillary chose to title her new user guide as, "What Happened."

I think she should re-title it to "WTF happened?" Originally Posted by TryWeakly
I am surprised any book company is even willing to touch her with a 100ft bargepole, let alone give her money upfront for yet another book which won't be bought in enough #s to justify the printing costs..
bambino's Avatar
I am surprised any book company is even willing to touch her with a 100ft bargepole, let alone give her money upfront for yet another book which won't be bought in enough #s to justify the printing costs.. Originally Posted by garhkal
Especially when she's just a drunk loser with no position of power.
It's last book bombed didn't it?
Damn, does this mean that the DNC is going to have to lease another obscure warehouse to store all of these books they will have to buy in order to make her relavent.

Admit it. Have you ever seen, or known anybody that bought a copy of "It Takes A Village"?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Especially when she's just a drunk loser with no position of power. Originally Posted by bambino

Exactly! Many a drunk driver has exclaimed, "What Happened?" after they ran their automobile into a telephone pole.
LexusLover's Avatar

Exactly! Many a drunk driver has exclaimed, "What Happened?" after they ran their automobile into a telephone pole.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Or ... "Where am I?"
bambino's Avatar
Or ... "Where am I?" Originally Posted by LexusLover
Teddy Kennedy
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
her vagina stank and her ass shat stank also.
Damn, does this mean that the DNC is going to have to lease another obscure warehouse to store all of these books they will have to buy in order to make her relavent.

Admit it. Have you ever seen, or known anybody that bought a copy of "It Takes A Village"? Originally Posted by Jackie S
I know two people who did. JUST for shits and grins.. One got about 30 pages into it, before using it as target practice for his 100lb xbow. The other said he read it all the way, as a means to put him to sleep each night.. About 15 pages was all it took to nod off..
LexusLover's Avatar
Teddy Kennedy Originally Posted by bambino
I recall seeing him on the news showing up the next day after letting his "date" drown in his car. Pathetic, and disgusting. I still think the Clintons have not caught up with the Kennedys on "passes" for their "outrageous behavior." It's just all 3 Kennedys ended up having "brain problems" ... 2 with bullets and one with cancer.
TryWeakly's Avatar
her vagina stank and her ass shat stank also. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Referring to DockerDick or WTF?

Or bof...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I recall seeing him on the news showing up the next day after letting his "date" drown in his car. Pathetic, and disgusting. I still think the Clintons have not caught up with the Kennedys on "passes" for their "outrageous behavior." It's just all 3 Kennedys ended up having "brain problems" ... 2 with bullets and one with cancer. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Kennedy & KGB meeting

showcasing an early hypocrisy on the Kennedy Russian collusion meeting by the big 3 media. they never asked him about it when he was alive.

Rush Limbaugh, God bless him, appreciated it. He talked about it at least twice. So did blogs like Michelle Malkin’s HotAir. Web sources like FrontPage hit it hard. But without the mainstream news coverage, the story never made the dent I expected it would.