My formal request

bladtinzu's Avatar
Since some peter piper is leading some to believe I have multiple accounts can I have a mod check all IP's I have used against that and make the results public so this uninformed nonsense will finally stop..
While an IP search could prove the accusations true, they cannot prove them false. It is too easy to cover your tracks if you are clever. The only way would be to have someone believable, who has seen both you and your alter ego vouch that you are different. Perhaps you two could take Mr Happy to lunch and discuss the hobby, perhaps pros and cons of barebacking or other fun topics? Of course if you were desperate, you could probably hire some poor slob to play your alter ego. I do not know how you could ever disprove it for sure. Perhaps you could just have fun with it. I went through something similar and realize in the unlikely event that the accusations are false, LOL, it would be very aggravating.
bladtinzu's Avatar
While an IP search could prove the accusations true, they cannot prove them false. It is too easy to cover your tracks if you are clever. The only way would be to have someone believable, who has seen both you and your alter ego vouch that you are different. Perhaps you two could take Mr Happy to lunch and discuss the hobby, perhaps pros and cons of barebacking or other fun topics? Of course if you were desperate, you could probably hire some poor slob to play your alter ego. I do not know how you could ever disprove it for sure. Perhaps you could just have fun with it. I went through something similar and realize in the unlikely event that the accusations are false, LOL, it would be very aggravating. Originally Posted by Rockydoc

I am no computer wiz by any means. I turn it on and if it works I am good. If it doesn't I beat the piss out of it and go buy another. Granted my old IT guy would do anything I asked and never ask any questions. Yet Oracle snatched him away 9 months ago and the girl I hired is a straight laced church chick so I could never ask her to do something like hide an IP.

And the only chick I see on a regular basis in Arkansas I refuse to pull into this since she is such a sweet girl (and yes she is on here) and doesn't need the BS drama that would come with someone knowing she see's me when I am in the state.

As for fun with it.. It would be too annoying to try so scratch that idea. But it is funny watching the rats follow peter pipers lead into the uninformed..
Blad, why do you care? Are these accusations impacting your hobbying? If not, why bother?
TechOne's Avatar
+1 Give it a rest, go fuck another hottie and enjoy life.
bladtinzu's Avatar
Just want to prove the mindless followers of the peter pan hooker wrong.

But they pretty much do that daily without any help so..
I feel certain that the admins have already checked the your IP history along with several others members. If they had found anything conclusive, you would already know.

Smart answer