What is an "uptick"?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
According to Secetary of State John Kerry murder of Christians, the burning of pilots, the cruxification of children, the slavery of women and children, and the kidnapping of hundreds of Christians is an "uptick" of slavery. I wonder how many "upticks" does it take to make one "bump in the road"?


According to Secetary of State John Kerry murder of Christians, the burning of pilots, the cruxification of children, the slavery of women and children, and the kidnapping of hundreds of Christians is an "uptick" of slavery. I wonder how many "upticks" does it take to make one "bump in the road"?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0KiKroxXfY Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I don't click on Breibart links because I always feel like I need a shower afterwards, but in the over two-year old Obama clip you linked to, what exactly don't you agree with? You don't agree with him when he broadcasts our moves to the enemy, so should he characterize them more than a bump in the road? I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at.

an uptick is a noun, so if he used it as you say, it doesn't make any sense. An uptick means a small increase.