Helllllloooooooooo East Texas

Spikebaby's Avatar
Hi Guys,
Just letting you know I am on the road and my monkey is excited about my trip

Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
SB: Well hot dayum, girl!!! What a coincidence. I'll be on the road shortly. I aint got no monkey, but I got a chicken that wants to scream.

Hope you have a great first tour to the piney woods.

MuffinMan's Avatar
Hmmmmm.....Looks like we have a naughty monkey that is in need of a spanking and a loud chicken that needs choking!
Spikebaby's Avatar
Thanks so much everyone for making my trip a great one to the Piney Woods...I will definintely be back!!!!

*MacPhisto......my next trip will be closer to your neck of the woods as well as get you that birthday surprise I missed out on giving you......(my fault entirely)...thanks for being so great!
MacPhisto's Avatar

Thanks for the post. I look forward to it.

Have a great holiday weekend & will see you soon.