Great game last night Alabama vs. Notre Dame!

  • Paven
  • 01-08-2013, 08:04 AM
I almost felt a little bad for Notre Dame because Alabama put them to shame! Way to go Crimson Tide!
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Yes, ND just couldn't keep up with the size and speed of the Tide.
bladtinzu's Avatar
It was a madhouse down there after.
Don't feel sorry for them, they knew the dangers going in. Is there any chance you may come North when you get to Bama?
  • Paven
  • 01-10-2013, 02:00 PM
I just felt bad because they were flailing all over but alas the team that was meant to win did!

North? Whereabouts North? I only have Mobile on the list so far.
Had the best time in South Beach I'll need to post a report, also this just in Eddie Lacy just ran over Teo again! LOL! Roll Tide
Dave the Rave's Avatar
Patty that is funny and Pavin your boobs that's no laughing matter there, they b serious!
Birmingham or Huntsville I'm sure would welcome you with open arms.
  • Paven
  • 01-16-2013, 10:23 AM
Patty that is funny and Paven your boobs that's no laughing matter there, they b serious! Originally Posted by Dave the Rave
They would fill out a Crimson Tide sweater like nobodies business . All natural and gravity defying 38FFs, just sayin' (whistling).