The Idiocy Of The American Legal System

I know its a military court but still...

The trial has been delayed weeks because the guy grew a beard. He killed 13 people. Tie his ass to a chair and forcibly shave him and then coat some bullets with pig fat and shoot him in that very chair!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Why not let him attend the trial in his beard? It's foolish to delay the trial over a regulation when the guy is only nominally a member of the military.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-23-2012, 05:09 AM
Based only upon what is in that article COL Gross is being an idiot.

All he is doing is wasting everyone's time and reinforcing some people's belief that we as a country are anti-Muslim. He is aiding and abetting the enemy by stupidly turning the trial into a macho political statement.

Have the trial about the substance and be done with it. If he's aquitted, then charge him with being out of uniform. If he's guilty, do the same. If he winds up being executed you can even court martial him after that for all I care. But quit making the military look like insensitive bumbling idiots and take care of the important issues instead of turning this guy into even more of an opressed martyr.

How can someone so myopic get to be a colonel OR a judge?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Dry shave him.
It is the military.
Rules are rules.
It is when you do not enforce the rules that you expose weakness.

There is no room for weakness in the military.
Dry shave him.
Try him.
Execute him.
Be sure ti G I him to be sure he is clean...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This isn't the fault of the military court since if this was not a murdering muslim it would have a different outcome. This goes all the way to the top. Obama sees Islam winning the ultimate war with the west and when the movie is made (assuming that a 7th century world has movie) he does't want to portrayed as the leader who shaved a martyr.
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 08-23-2012, 08:42 AM
If it comes to that, I don't think anybody will be making movies.
Why not let him attend the trial in his beard? It's foolish to delay the trial over a regulation when the guy is only nominally a member of the military. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Its foolish to promote a guy who has bad performance reviews.
Its foolish not to monitor a guy who gave a pro radical Muslim presentation that caused immediate concern by those in attendance that he was reported for it.
Its foolish not to arrest an officer who was known to have contact with someone who was on Obama's "kill list."

That's the reason for the post. The foolishness is political correctness and its ability to manipulate govt regulations and the legal system for the betterment of a belligerent anti-American force.

By the way, the Army Sargent who threw hand grenades into a tent and killed two officers in 2003 was convicted of murder and order executed in 2005. Still alive.

Obama doesn't have the balls to execute a Muslim on American soil. Too much political fallout.
This is why the world LAUGHS at us. So Sad.
This isn't the fault of the military court since if this was not a murdering muslim it would have a different outcome. This goes all the way to the top. Obama sees Islam winning the ultimate war with the west and when the movie is made (assuming that a 7th century world has movie) he does't want to portrayed as the leader who shaved a martyr. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

And you are a teacher...Sad
chefnerd's Avatar
How about the old Judge Roy Bean system of justice which seems to prevail in Texas? You're guilty as charged and have until the bullet hits you prove your innocence.
How about the old Judge Roy Bean system of justice which seems to prevail in Texas? You're guilty as charged and have until the bullet hits you prove your innocence. Originally Posted by chefnerd
Yes Sir.....fuckem
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep, that is the way it should be but unfortunately we have too many damn yankees infiltrated in this great state that want to save the murdering bastards.
Truth is he should have already been tried, sentenced, and executed.
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
The judge ordered him to be forcibly shaved...after he's exhausted his appeals.

The judge’s order, however, will not be enforced until Major Hasan’s appeals are exhausted. His lawyers are expected to appeal the ruling to the United States Army Court of Criminal Appeals. Depending on that court’s action, either the defense or the prosecution could appeal to the highest military appeals court, the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces.