Didn't see the speech but I believe Kirsten Powers (Democratic analyst), opining the Sandra Fluke speech was one big lie and makes the party look foolish.

Read her real time twitter posts on the Fluke fluke here:

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Does anyne know what her jprovider handle is?
Does she do doubles?
What is her rate for 15min?
joe bloe's Avatar
If the Democrats really cared about women, they would have let Juanita Broaddrick address the convention instead of Sandra Flucke.
Does anyne know what her jprovider handle is?
Does she do doubles?
What is her rate for 15min? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I don't know but you better get a discount for all those tax payer supplied condoms.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-06-2012, 09:37 PM
I don't know but you better get a discount for all those tax payer supplied condoms. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
If you boy's peter's are no bigger than your brains , we could melt one down one condom and make ten for each of you!

If you boy's peter's are no bigger than your brains , we could melt one down one condom and make ten for each of you!

Originally Posted by WTF
We could melt ours so you can do this...LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9Qcb...feature=relmfu
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Right. The Democrats don't care about women and the Republicans do. Makes all the sense in the Bizzarro world!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Didn't see the speech but I believe Kirsten Powers (Democratic analyst), opining the Sandra Fluke speech was one big lie and makes the party look foolish.

Read her real time twitter posts on the Fluke fluke here:

http://www.therightscoop.com/boom-de...ve-as-a-woman/ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You have no clue what the speech said but you believe the opinion of a single democrat.

How telling you post a link to the comments but not one to Sandra Fluke's speech. Why read her speech yourself when you can quote a source, a source you would never believe or even piss on if she were on fire, who is only credible if she is negative about Obama.
Here is a link to the text of the speech.

speech-text-_n_1852635.html?utm_hp_ref=ele ctions-2012

Plus I have to admit, it appears that the link does fact check the point whirly is trying to make.

That 1, not 2, not 8, etc, that 1 democrat out of millions sent negative tweets about the speech.

And who knows tweeting like Powers does? Powers, who is a political analyst for fox “news”, used to date former Congressman Anthony Weiner.

Her political positions include support for; Obama-care (“believes it is a moral imperative to supply health care to all Americans”), immigration reform and providing a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, and favors gun control.

She opposes the Iraq war, Fairness Doctrine and the death penalty.

Do I believe you believe her.

You’re full of shit.
Right. The Democrats don't care about women and the Republicans do. Makes all the sense in the Bizzarro world! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

The Teapublicans have been "educated" by Rush Bimbo like he could
EVER educate anybody. That Lush Rush is the SAME GUY who took so much oxycontin that he ruined his hearing and had to have cochlear implants. Hearing loss is a listed hazard of taking extra large doses of prescription pain killers and he is the guy you listen to on women's health issues?

Randy4Candy's Avatar
Another "I found it on the internet so it must be ironclad fact" piece of drivel.

Here's something that can now be found on the internet:

"Whirlygig is a mental giant."

Your mentor and hero, Cute Old Shit for Brains, tried this ruse a couple of weeks ago and it didn't meet with any more success than yours is. What's the definition of insanity again?

Labeling something as a "Fact Check" and then following it with an opinion leaves out the "fact" part.
Randy4Candy, are you disputing that Powers posted those tweets?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
WTF is a population control supporter via any and all methods including eugenics.

The reality of it is; do we really want the likes of this woman breeding?
Didn't see the speech but I believe Kirsten Powers (Democratic analyst), opining the Sandra Fluke speech was one big lie and makes the party look foolish.

Read her real time twitter posts on the Fluke fluke here:

http://www.therightscoop.com/boom-de...ve-as-a-woman/ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
This is such crap. You live in a little bubble.. it is going to pop someday ya know.
What is "crap", the truth ?

You saying Powers never posted those tweets?

And I will refrain from passing judgement on just how large (or small) your own bubble is.

This is such crap. You live in a little bubble.. it is going to pop someday ya know. Originally Posted by Sensia
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-07-2012, 11:32 AM
Randy4Candy, are you disputing that Powers posted those tweets? Originally Posted by Whirlaway

nah, she did tweet her opinion ... FACT

her opinion does not make the comments she tweeted FACTS ..

thats the difference between moron facts and FACT FACTS

glad I could clear that up for ya whirlie