Osama Bin Ladin is dead. General Motors is.

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Democratic line in election.

Osama Bin Ladin is dead.

. . . General Motors is alive.

joe bloe's Avatar
Democratic line in election.

Osama Bin Ladin is dead.

. . . General Motors is alive.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
General Motors is a zombie company. They're not able to stay in business without being propped up with massive taxpayer support. GM is about as alive as Bernie.

General Motors is owned by the union and paid for by me.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
All of you seem to be having trouble or pretend not to understand that the slogan that General Motors is alive means the company is still in business. You see that as a very good thing, don't you?

You're not really so dense, are you?

. . . Fellas?
Fuck every one of you dumbasses like BOG who say he didn't get a fair chance.....because the operators that killed his ass weren't thinking about political opportunism like BOG;. We got him. You want to line up on the other side with BOG who says he should have gotten a trial? And who want to try to make this a union issue because they are retards trying to capitalize on on a GOP issue? Chime in motherfuckers. Bin laden is dead.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You won't read this, but you should. GM and the US would be in much better shape if they had taken Chapter 11. Yes they'd still be in business, and on a much more solid foundation for future success.

From the article:

Any verdict on the auto bailouts must take into account, among other things, the illegal diversion of TARP funds, the forced transfer of assets from shareholders and debt-holders to pensioners and their union; the higher-risk premiums consequently built into U.S. corporate debt; the costs of denying Ford and the other more worthy automakers the spoils of competition; the costs of insulating irresponsible actors, such as the autoworkers' union, from the outcomes of an apolitical bankruptcy proceeding; the diminution of U.S. moral authority to counsel foreign governments against market interventions; and the lingering uncertainty about policy that pervades the business environment to this day.

Obama didn't save the auto industry. He saved the auto unions. They'll be back for more.

Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 09-06-2012, 09:59 PM
Just waiting for their next crash
All of you seem to be having trouble or pretend not to understand that the slogan that General Motors is alive means the company is still in business. You see that as a very good thing, don't you?

You're not really so dense, are you?

. . . Fellas?
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Yeah GM is still in buisness thanks to China.
Yeah GM is still in buisness thanks to China. Originally Posted by acp5762

China bailed out GM?

I guess they killed bin Laden, too!

Bullshit! Teapublicans are RETARDS!

China bailed out GM?

I guess they killed bin Laden, too!

Bullshit! Teapublicans are RETARDS!

Originally Posted by Little Stevie
You don't agree with that? Well thats too bad. You're not to bright to begin with.
Just hoping for their next crash Originally Posted by Dawgs
There, I fixed it for you!
joe bloe's Avatar
All of you seem to be having trouble or pretend not to understand that the slogan that General Motors is alive means the company is still in business. You see that as a very good thing, don't you?

You're not really so dense, are you?

. . . Fellas?
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
You're the one that's DENSE. Putting tax dollars into GM makes about as much sense as investing in Solyndra.

You obviously don't think it matters how much it costs the tax payers to keep GM "in business." We're bankrupt. We've got to stop throwing money away if we're going to survive as a country.

Obama boasts about saving GM, because he knows idiots like you don't understand that propping up GM is nothing to brag about. Obama spends ten dollars to get one dollar of benefit and then brags about it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I personally like GM products that I have bought in the past and even bought on e after it became Government Motors.
I tried to get the SO to go for a Ford but we had one once and it was way too costly to maintain.Not a lemon but used unproven "new" parts that failed on a consistent basis.

GM in fact did file for Chapter 11 but not before taking a big chunk of tax dollars with them.
We should have allowed them to file Chapter 11 first, but we did not.
By allowing them to take tax money first it became imperative that GM survive so as to attempt to get some of our money back. Typicial political ploy to get the support of the unions.

The cold hard facts are that the unions killed GM and had it not been for Ford selling off a big chunck to India and having plenty of cash on hand they would have failed too. The stanglehold over the companies by the UAW sucked the money out of these companies leaving them with no capital and a huge amount of debt.

No company can pay people to not work and survive. No company can pay thir retirees the same wage in retirement and give the same benefits as when they were procudtive and survive. These are just the facts.

The big question about OBL, is why are we still in Afghanistan after we did what we went there to do. Even though we had been in Pakistan for years and that is where he was killed, why are we not out. I thought this was what he was going to do. Now we have more dead Americans there under Obama than there were under Bush and Obama promised he would get us out.
Whine whine whine One (fact) that escapes the ones blaming unions is GM was top heavy in MGMT they had VP'S running out their ears that had nothing to do but organize car shows. Unions has a lot of bennies and a good retirement program,but who gave it to them when they bargained?