Rotten To The Core

BigLouie's Avatar
I B Hankering's Avatar
If you really want to see “rotten to the core”, Google “Pelosi + conflict of interests” and then step away from your computer lest it spontaneously explode from the data overload.
I B Hankering's Avatar
looks like the utube junkies are here again...

Harry Reid is a corrupt political hack. Nancy Pelosi came by her money honestly; she married it. But where did Reid acquire his fortune? His latest financial disclosure form indicates that Reid owns assets valued up to more than $7,000,000. Prior disclosures have indicated a net worth up to $10 million. Reid has never had a high-paying job in his life, and has almost always been employed in the public sector. As a Majority Leader of the Senate, he is paid $193,400 annually. So how, exactly, did Reid acquire his multimillion dollar portfolio of real estate and mining interests?

The short answer is corruption. For years, Reid has been the beneficiary of sweetheart land deals in Nevada. We wrote about one series of Las Vegas real estate transactions here. Reid’s cronies, some of whom keep coming up in organized crime investigations, have made him a wealthy man. But neither mobsters nor real estate developers give money away for free. What favors has Reid done, what strings has he pulled, that have been worth millions to his benefactors? Reid is a poster boy for cronyism and corruption, an image to which all Democratic Senate candidates should be tied.
Reid's net worth (estimated at $7 to$10 million ) makes John Boehner look like a school janitor. And that doesn't include his other family members. If you really care about corrupt political families look into the Reid family business !

Here is a great analysis of the corrupt land deals that surround the Reid fortune:

And the latest involving Harry Reid, his son, the Chinese, and Solar Panels !:
This whole entire administration is corrupt. All Wall St. for Wall St. nothing else really matters.Obama supporters they really are stupid. Obama can piss down their backs and tell them it's rainning and they'll believe it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Big Louie is like so many on this board. Republicans are all demons, and Democrats are Angels of God. It's bullshit. There's corruption plenty on both sides. Point a finger at one party, and there are three more pointing back at you.
Here are the 2 financial disclosure forms that are required....

You be the judge of who has accumulated more wealth and is corrupt.

John Boehner (2011):

Harry Reid (2011):
Whirly: Let's divert attention from Boehner's corruption and use the "but Mommy, Harry hit me first" excuse to make Boehner's dishonesty OK!
Big Louie is like so many on this board. Republicans are all demons, and Democrats are Angels of God. It's bullshit. There's corruption plenty on both sides. Point a finger at one party, and there are three more pointing back at you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

you can twist that around for the Republicans same 'ol same 'ol...
Ducbutter's Avatar
Whirly: Let's divert attention from Boehner's corruption and use the "but Mommy, Harry hit me first" excuse to make Boehner's dishonesty OK! Originally Posted by Little Stevie

Hey Stevie, pm me your address and I'll mail you $5 so you can go buy a clue.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Whirly: Let's divert attention from Boehner's corruption and use the "but Mommy, Harry hit me first" excuse to make Boehner's dishonesty OK! Originally Posted by Little Stevie
HINT: Little Blind Boy is attempting to divert attention away from the Dim's and BL's hypocrisy.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So Stevie, let's just say for the sake of argument, that Boehner is corrupt, like the OP said.

Are you going to argue that Harry Reid is not corrupt?