Last night President Obama lied to Americans during his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention about the situation in Afghanistan, which sources tell Red Alert Politics has gotten worse under his leadership, not better.

“We’ve blunted the Taliban’s momentum in Afghanistan, and in 2014, our longest war will be over,” Obama said.

But as a former top-ranking intelligence figure who served in both Democratic and Republican administrations told me recently, the Obama administration always puts it PR agenda first and policy second. Politics is always paramount in this administration’s foreign policy calculations, and Afghanistan has not been any exception.

The President’s blatant lie about Afghanistan serves as case in point because the administration has primarily been concerned with ending American involvement in the war in Afghanistan rather than reducing violence as happened in Iraq or being concerned about the long-term consequences of its policies.

A closer look reveals that the situation in Afghanistan has grown even more violent since Obama took office and some 2,122 young men and women, mostly under the age of 30, have been killed there since January 2009 – more than two-thirds of the total who have died in the 11-year war.

In 2008 before Obama came into office there were 295 coalition deaths compared with 324 fatalities in the first eight months of 2012 alone. Not only that, civilian casualties have also increased.

“It’s false to say that we have blunted the Taliban’s momentum when you look at the numbers that the administration is using to make the case,” said Bill Roggio of the Long War Journal. “They tell the exact opposite if we look at the level of violence.

“The Taliban leadership is still intact. Its propaganda abilities are still intact. You can’t argue that the Taliban’s momentum has been broken.”

Not only that, the Taliban’s leadership remains immune from attack hiding out in Pakistan’s major cities under Pakistani protection.

Roggio blames politics at the highest levels for this situation, which he sees tied to the failure of the troop surge – one Obama half-heartedly implemented.

“[A] full surge in the east, which the military recommended, never took place, as President Obama quickly drew down American forces,” Roggio wrote in a posting on his website earlier this week. “Far fewer resources were devoted to the southeastern and eastern provinces of Afghanistan. Consequently, the UN has documented a spike in civilian casualties of 34 percent in those provinces.”

To make matters worse there are certain areas of Afghanistan under Taliban control that are so violent that they have been labeled off-limits to American forces, let alone Afghan government troops.

“I don’t think the administration ever had an intention to see the surge through and listen to the generals,” Roggio said. “They wanted to surge and get out.”

And the administration’s weakened resolve could be behind the increase in the number of attacks by Afghan government troops against American and other coalition forces since the surge began in 2011.

In Iraq where the surge worked, it was accompanied by a gradual stabilization and decrease in overall violence.

He predicts Afghanistan will descend into total chaos when American troops are withdrawn in 2014, just as it did in the 1990s after the end of American involvement in the war against the Soviets.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-07-2012, 02:07 PM
fact check?

IB are you going to tell whirlie what you think about fact check?

IB is very well informed on military matters...............I look forward to his response CJ......I am thinking IB will agree with RedAlertPolitics.

This will be another Obama mess that Romney will have to clean up.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-07-2012, 02:25 PM
like I said whirlie ... an opinion inst a fact

but in this case Id have to agree afghanistan is a shithole that is worse now than it was earlier ... IMO it has alot to do with our not being in Iraq (so to speak) any longer ... and wont get any better until we are not in afghanistan any longer either .. I have no idea why the right is so dead set (literally) on winning the war in afghanistan and the left is so dead set kissing the rights ass over the deal ..

its done, its over, fuck the third world sob's and fuck the camels they rode in on ... left, right, center, under, over, sideways, down ... get the fuck out of the god damn mid east and stay out. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

IB is very well informed on military matters...............I look forward to his response CJ......I am thinking IB will agree with RedAlertPolitics.

This will be another Obama mess that Romney will have to clean up. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

IB was a company clerk had lots of time to look shit up...
I B Hankering's Avatar
IB was a company clerk had lots of time to look shit up... Originally Posted by ekim008
Ekim the Inbred, once again you are wrong. BTW, how was your stint in the military as a latrine orderly, Ekim the Inbred?

And, how many times have you laid your tricycle down and bumped your head on the pavement when you weren't wearing a helmet?

To the OP -- reports are that the Taliban is reasserting itself: it's not defeated.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-07-2012, 03:22 PM
the first reports were Bush left Afghanistan when he had the taliban's ass against the wall or we wouldnt be where we are today ...

speaking of reports
That isn't what Obama said; to reiterate Obama's lie from last night :

“We’ve blunted the Taliban’s momentum in Afghanistan, and in 2014, our longest war will be over,”
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-07-2012, 04:00 PM
That isn't what Obama said; to reiterate Obama's lie from last night :

“We’ve blunted the Taliban’s momentum in Afghanistan, and in 2014, our longest war will be over,” Originally Posted by Whirlaway

I said I agree with that ,,, are you totally ignorant or starved for attention?
See, this is the deal with statistics. First of all, Obama has drawn us down in Iraq. Not on Day One of his presidency like he said he would, but rather on Day One of campaign season thousands and thousands of lives later and trillions of dollars more I might add. But, he has moved Iraq to an end, and he's moved the troops to Afghanistan. Granted, I'm not a military buff, but I believe I read that it was 50,000 more troops were moved into Afghanistan, and the previously ignored war effort was intensified. THAT will lead to more deaths.

Now, that said, yes, he's lieing about saying the Taliban are blunted. They are still active. And more importantly they are hiding until his Line in the Sand date to reemerge. There's a lesson here somewhere....................M aybe it is to not tell the enemy when we're leaving and to ignore the spin.
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  • CJ7
  • 09-07-2012, 05:15 PM
Ekim the Inbred, once again you are wrong. BTW, how was your stint in the military as a latrine orderly, Ekim the Inbred?

And, how many times have you laid your tricycle down and bumped your head on the pavement when you weren't wearing a helmet?

To the OP -- reports are that the Taliban is reasserting itself: it's not defeated.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Wrong again as you usually are,but if I struck a nerve I'll let it slide.the captain needs his shoes shined,and you are good at sucking up...
I B Hankering's Avatar
Wrong again as you usually are,but if I struck a nerve I'll let it slide.the captain needs his shoes shined,and you are good at sucking up... Originally Posted by ekim008
Ekim the Inbred, how many times have you laid your tricycle down and bumped your head on the pavement when you weren't wearing a helmet?
Ekim the Inbred, how many times have you laid your tricycle down and bumped your head on the pavement when you weren't wearing a helmet? Originally Posted by I B Hankering

About as many times as you sat on the captain's knee when you took a letter.
herfacechair's Avatar
the first reports were Bush left Afghanistan when he had the taliban's ass against the wall or we wouldnt be where we are today ...

speaking of reports Originally Posted by CJ7
Osama Bin Laden's trail went cold at the end of 2002, according to the SF that was going after him. Even if we had the entire US military in Afghanistan at that time, we woudldn't have caught him. Going into Iraq, given the asymmetric threat they posed against us, made perfect sense.

While we're at it, here's an article where a guy talks about many of the things I've argued since coming back from OIF I... destroying the myths surrounding the "War on Terrorism":
